Chapter 1

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I started to jump up and down in my seat as we pulled into the driveway of our old house. Even before my mom parked I ran out and up to the door. My mom gave me a new key so I just walked right in. I walked into the kitchen all the memories flooding back to me. I sighed. My room!

I ran up to my room and walked around it. The same blue was still on the walls and my curtains were still hanging up above the balcony.

I opened the balcony doors and walked out slowly my eyes on Jacob's window the whole time. His windows were closed black curtains draped over them. Weird. I looked over at the basketball court and saw the basketballs had cobwebs on them. Huh, I thought, as I turned around and walked back into my room.

"Honey! Will you come get these boxes! There your room decorations." my mom called from downstairs.

I ran downstairs and grabbed my boxes. I started to decorate some of my room. After about two hours of decorating my room it was time for dinner.

"Honey! I'm going to get pizza. What kind do you want?" my mom asked calling down the stairs.

I ran to the top of the stairs. "Pineapple." I called rushing down the stairs.

My mom was grabbing her purse and was halfway out the door.

"Ok sweetie. I'll be back in about thirty mins." she said kissing me on the forehead.

I went to the window and waved to her as she drived away. I sighed and went to the living room and turned on the T.V. I was scrolling through the channels when I heard a car pull up. I opened the front door and walked outside. I thought it was my mom but it wasn't, it was Jacob's.

I wanted to walk over to the car but my feet stood frozen on the floor. My heart started to beat faster as I watched his door open. He slowly got out and looked over at me. He stood there staring at me. He was frozen too.

Finally I came out of my daze and walked over to him. All of a sudden I felt really shy.

"Jacob hey." I said as I finally reached him. I wanted to hug him so bad.

"Hey." he said looking behind him.

I look behind him and see a girl walk out from the passenger seat of the car.

"Jacob-who's this?" she asks as she reaches him and looks over to me.

"Sarah this is Megan. Megan, this is Sarah my girlfriend." he says grabbing her hand and interlocking their fingers.

My heart dropped in my chest. So, Jacob really did move on huh?

"Nice to meet you." I said reaching out my hand for her to shake it.

"You too." she said not even shaking my hand. 

I let my hand fall to my side. I looked over at Jacob. He didn't even have the courage to look at me.

"Well I have to go." I said slowly walking backwards.

"Bye." I whispered as I turned around and ran back to my house.

I slammed the door behind me quick enough before I let the tears fall.

Jacob. How could you do this to me? I thought he loved me.

I rested my head against the door tears falling down my face so hard. I was having a hard time breathing. I stood up and got a drink of water. I decided that it would be best if I took a shower, so I walked slowly upstairs.

I walked into my room and grabbed my pjs. I dared myself to look over a Jacob's window. He was standing there talking to Sarah. He had his arms around her waist and was smiling like crazy. He used to look at me like that, I thought, turning around and running to the bathroom.


I came out of the shower and looked in the mirror. My eyes were all puffy and red, so was my face.

"Honey! Dinner's getting cold!" my mom called from downstairs.

"Coming! I'll be down in a second!" I called back to her.

I looked back in the mirror and started to brush my hair. I finished brushing my hair and ran down stairs.

"Honey are you ok?" my mom asked looking at me as I sat at the kitchen table.

I nodded slowly. But in my head I was thinking no. I wasn't okay. Jacob Sartorius broke my heart.

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