Chapter 7

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*two months have passed*

I walked into school bracing myself for the worse. For the past two months Sarah had been bullying me at school. She would tell me that I was horrible and nobody liked me. Jacob and I have talked ever since he left but for some reason I didn't tell him about the bullying.

I walked into first period and looked around for Sophie. We had become better friends and closer than before. She didn't know about the bullying etheir.

She wasn't there so I just sat down in my normal seat. I started at the mark that Sarah gave me last week. She pinched me because I wasn't doing her homework for her.

I sighed and looked up at the teacher. Class was about to start and I needed to focus. The phone rang as soon as the teacher was about to start the lesson. She nodded her head and hung up the phone.

"Megan, your leaving early."

I looked up from my notes. I was leaving early? Why?

I got up and gathered up my stuff. I slowly walked out of the room stunned.

I walked into the the office and the secretary told me that my mom had already signed me out and she was waiting for me in the car. I thanked her and headed outside. The class just let out so people where hanging out outside.

I walked outside and felt the hot sun on my shoulders. I looked around the parking lot and couldn't find my moms car. All of a sudden a pair of hands covered me eyes.

"Who is this?" I asked my heart starting to speed up. What if it was Sarah?

"Me." The person turned me around and took there hands off my eyes.

"Jacob." I said my voice cracking.

"In the flesh and bone." he said laughing his eyes glassing over.

"What-what are you doing here?" I asked a tear falling down my face.

"I had to see your beautiful face again." he said reaching his hand out to me.

I took it and he pulled me close to him. I placed my forehead on his and he smiled at me.

"I love you so much Megan." he said kissing me softly.

As we pulled away I saw Sarah out of the corner of my eye. She was giving me the death stare. I squeezed Jacob's hand while my eyes were on Sarah's.

"I'll be right back." I said letting go of Jacob's hand and walking towards Sarah. Coldness filled me body as I reached Sarah. I missed Jacob's touch.

"What?" I asked sighing.

She grabbed my wrist and squeezed it. "We talked about how you would break up with Jacob didn't we?" she asked smirking.

I turned and looked at Jacob. He was watching me with a worried look. Just tell him Megan. Tell him your being bullied.

I turned back to Sarah and nodded.

"Good. You better do it by tommrow." she said letting go of me and walked around.

I wrapped my other hand around my wrist and sighed. I couldn't tell Jacob. I just couldn't.

Never Just A Friend(edited)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon