Chapter 13

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"There you go."

I moved my hands out of the way as they set are food down.

"So what did you do yesterday?" Jacob asked dipping a fry into ketchup.

"Um, I went to Go Cart Plus with Sam." I said taking a quick sip of my soda.

Jacob stopped eating and looked up at me. "Sam? You could have asked me."

"Well I hadn't seen Sam in forever so." I said wincing.

Jacob looked at me. His phone went off all of a sudden. He picked it up and look at it. Then back at me.

"What is it?" I asked panick rising in my throat.


I grabbed his phone and saw what he was looking at. It was a photo of Sam and I kissing. I set his phone down and looked at him. He was looking down.


"Megan. I think we need a break." Jacob said looking up with sad eyes. He motioned for the waiter to bring the check.

"Jacob. Please."

"Megan, I'm sorry." Jacob said getting up.

I sat there stunned. Jacob just broke up with me.


I walked into my house and ran up the stairs. I couldn't believe it. Jacob broke up with me.

Walking out on my balcony I started at Jacobs room. There were boxes everywhere. Was he moving? I saw his mom out on the front lawn so I decided to go ask her.

"Are you guys moving?" I asked walking up to Mrs. Sartorius .

"Yes sweetie. We have to move to LA for Jacob's work."

"Oh. Ok."


The next day I saw a moving truck outside there house. Jacob was on the front lawn.

"Jacob?" I asked quietly as I walked onto the lawn.

He turned and looked at me.

"Why didn't you tell me you where moving?"

"I couldn't Megan. Also there is no chance of me moving back."



I ran up to him and kissed him. Oh how I had missed those lips.

I pulled away and saw Jacob crying.

"Jacob. One day your going to be so famous. And I'm going to be so proud that I knew you. That I loved you!"

Jacob smiled and kissed me one last time.

"I love you Megan."

"I love you Jacob."

Never Just A Friend(edited)Where stories live. Discover now