Chapter 4

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"Remember you have a project due on Thursday!"

I rushed out of the room. I was done with school and all the homework that we kept getting. I reached my locker and put my books in it that I didn't need and started to head to lunch.


I turned around and saw Jacob walking towards me. I stopped, watching him walk closer. As he came closer to me my heart started to beat faster. He smiled up at me. My heart melted.

"Can I talk to you?" he asked scratching the back of his head.

"Uh, sure." I said looking at the clock. Lunch had already started.

"So, um I know that it's been really awkward since you moved back." he paused looking up at me.

I nodded and he continued talking.

"The truth is Megan, the only reason that I was dating Sarah was to get over you. I couldn't get over you Megan. You were always on my mind. Always. I cried everyday that you weren't here. I love you Megan." he said his voice cracking at the end.

I stood there in shock. I couldn't process everything in my brain. Jacob just poured his heart out to me. I took a deep breath.

"Jacob the truth is I couldn't get over you either. You were on my mind everyday. When I saw you with Sarah my heart was broken. I thought you really didn't love me." I said looking down afraid the tears were going to fall.

He tilted my chin up so I was looking at him. Then why are you dating Sam?" he asked his face flushed.

"I'm not. Sophie and him thought that it was a good idea to make you jealous."

He moved his hand away from my face and stuffed it in his pocket.

"It did." he said looking me in the eyes.

I stared at him unable to take my eyes away from him. Before I knew it he pulled me into a hug.

I buried my head into his chest. It felt so right. Beginning here with Jacob. We pulled away slowly from the hug.

"Megan. I want you to be mine again." he said grabbing my hands and looking up at me.

"I will be your's Jacob." I said smiling so hard. I got Jacob back.

He smiled and grabbed my hand. "Come on, let's go to lunch."

We walked into the lunchroom and I found Sophie and Sam sitting at a lunch table in a heated conversation. I looked back at Jacob and he shrugged his shoulders. We headed over towards there lunch table.

"Hey guys." I said slowly sitting down still holding Jacob's hand.

Jacob sat down next to me but wouldn't look up. I looked over at Sam and saw him staring at Jacob. I looked over at Sophie and she had a confused look on her face.

"Guys. Jacob and I are back together." I said squeezing his hand. He looked up and over at me. I smiled at him reassuring.

Sophie smiled but I could tell it was fake. "I'm happy for you guys." she said picking at her salad.

Sam nodded his head and looked down. Well this is going to be an awkward lunch.

"Oh, and he knows about the plan to make him jealous." I said wincing not wanting to see there reaction.

Sam looked up at me his face flushed. He looked quickly over at Sophie who was staring at Jacob now.

"Guys? Are you okay?" I asked worried.

Sophie shrugged and Sam looked down at his food. I looked over at Jacob and he was staring at me. He smiled at me and pulled me closer to him.

"Megan and I are going to go take a small walk around school." he said getting up and pulling me with him.

I nodded and smiled at Sophie and Sam but they didn't look up. I sighed and turned around and walked away with Jacob. As soon as we left the lunchroom Jacob started to rub my back.

"Why were they acting like that?" he asked looking over at me.

"Honestly no clue." I said sighing. I didn't have a clue why they would act like that. I thought that they want Jacob and I back together. Maybe not?

a/n: sorry i haven't updated yet! it's been so long and i'm really busy. i'm also working on more books but don't worry i'm still working on this one. anyways leave suggestions down below of some ideas for this story! thanks!

bye cuties! xx

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