Russia x Jackie

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Request sent by fnaflover2015-2020

Russia's POV
I look at Jackie who is sitting next to me. She is giving an idea on how to make our countries more peaceful. We are in one of the many world meetings, so that means everyone must come. I have to admit, her ideas are amazing just like her. Wait, did I just think that. Who am I kidding, she doesn't like me that way. No one does, they are all scared of me except for her. I look across the room to see mostly everyone quiet, staring at her with googly eyes. They aren't allowed to take Jackie away from me. After the meeting, I will tell her.

(Time-skip to after the meeting brought to you by England's eyebrows. Still Russia's POV)
I look at Jackie who is packing up her things. She is just so pretty. I continue to stare at her as I zone out from this world. When I finally snap out of it, I notice she is right in front of me with a concerned face.
"R-Russia, a-are y-you o-okay" she asked, her voice is like a soft melody for my ears. I get up the courage to grab her shoulders. I lean in closer to her.
"I have been wanting to do this for a long time, you have to, da" I say she opens her mouth to say something, but I silence any word that comes out of her mouth by pressing my somewhat chapped lips onto her soft ones. As I pull away she starts to kiss me back. She feels the same way.
"D-da" she says smiling and hugging me. This day couldn't be any better.
Jackie's POV
I hear whispering behind me and see my friends Hungary and Japan.
"My OTP is finarry cannon" Japan said smiling. I noticed a camera in Hungary's hand.
"Send me that picture, da? I want to remember this day forever" Russia said entertwining his hand with mine holding on tightly. He was smiling, but this smile was different, he was giving a loving smile. A smile that said many things. A smile that said, we were going to love each other for a long, long time.

Hey! Hope you like this chappie. Send more requests as soon as possible. Tell me who and how you ship, if you want an "X Reader" see you in the next chappie. Bye-bye!

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