The Fight For Love Mystreet

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So Garroth and Laurance are fighting as usual. But what is it about this time?

Third Person
"Grrrrr!! NOT IF I ASK HER FIRST!!" Garroth yelled running out the door.
"NOT IF I GET THERE FASTER THAN YOU!" Laurance said trying to run infront of Garroth. Garroth slipped on a flower pot. Garroth grabbed Laurance's ankle and pulled him down. Garroth ran in front of him. Laurance grabbed Garroth's ankle and trips him. Laurance ran around Garroth. As he was running he was looking at Garroth not what was in front of him. Garroth's eyes widened. Laurance kept running but looked in front of him to see a car. Inside it looked like someone had some pink. Laurance ran onto the road and the pink person hit the breaks. Just not fast enough...

Laurance's POV
I saw Kawaii~Chan in the car. A load crash sound appeared. In front of me stood 3 Aphmaus.
"A-A-Aphmau?"I said. My eyes were becoming heavy. I couldnt hold them open anymore. Everything turned black.

Aphmau's POV
A load crash appeared. I ran out of the kitchen to see what happened. I saw Laurance on the ground about to blackout.
"A-A-Aphmau?"Laurance said. His eyes closed. I ran for dear life to him.
"LAURANCE? LAURANCE!!?! LAURANCE ANWSER ME!! ANWSER ME!!!" I screamed. No no no no NO! This. Is. Not. Happening.
I banged on the driver window of the car trying not to smash it.
"Hi Aphmau~Senpai.... Before you say ANYTHING! Kawaii~Chan is so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so SO SORRY! Kawaii~Chan just wanted to get Aphmau~Senpai a car for her birthday and I was gonna say I was using it since my friend is going out of the country! Kawaii~Chan will pay for all of Laurance~Kun's medical bills with the rest of Kawaii~Chan's salary!!" My eyes started to water. First it was one tear.
"I-I-I can't ask you to do this! I know you only get so much. I'll help you. You can't say no." I replied. A stream went down my face. I couldn't hold it back anymore.
"Kawaii~Chan already called an ambulance! It should be here soon." She added. I nodded.

Later when The Ambulance Comes

He should be okay.... Right? RIGHT?!?!! NO NO NO WHAT IF HE DIES?! No Aphmau don't talk like that! Error think..... HERES THE DOCTOR!!

"He is going to be fine he just broke a rib bone and his leg. It'll heal up in about 2 months. He just needs someone to take care of him for a while." Dr.Doctor says like its nothing. 2 MONTHS?!?! RIB AND LEG?!!? HOW IS THAT FINE?!!!??

"2 MONTHS?!?!!? ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?!?! EVERYONE IS OUT OF HIS HOUSE A LOT! I guess I'm home a lot... Laurance I'll take care of you..." I said not thinking.

"Thanks. Aphmau." Laurance says through the pain.

"I'll go get him wrapped up! Afmoo will take care of you-dont worry." Dr. Doctor says.

"Her name is Aphmau." Garroth points out.

"I'm probably never going to see any of you again so it doesn't matter." Dr. Doctor says as he rolls Laurance's bed away.

Ok so this chapter is getting WAY too long
so I'm going to split it into 2 chapters
so you'll see the the same
Name but with Pt.2

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