Chapter 5 - The End

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You paced quickly toward town, tears running against your cheeks with the cold drops of rain.
Why? Why had he done this?
You realized you got to town and looked up to see your feet had brought you to the church.
You politely knocked and the priest came to the door.
"Yes, how may I help you?" He asked kindly.
"Bathroom?" You asked.
He nodded and pointed his index finger toward the stairs.
"Up the hall and to the right, my dear." He responded. You ran over there and ignored what he said. You ran past the bathroom going farther and farther away from the bottom floor. Once you reached the top, there was a door on the ceiling that you flipped over to see the rain let up and the sun began to come up.
Climbing up, you walked on the roof of the church. You saw the edge and walked over.
"Bill..." You mumbled his name as tears slid down your cheeks once again.
"Y/n..." You heard a voice call your name.
"Please, don't leave me, baby."
You turned around.
"Don't call me that!!! You cheated on me, you asshole! All I ever did was love you and you just throw that away and go get some other girl!!! Or was I the other girl, Bill? I bet she cared for you just as much as I did!"
"I love you..."
"Obviously not!!! If you really did, you wouldn't be off doing whatever with another girl!!!" You pulled up your sleeve, revealing the multiple cuts.
"You see these, Bill? These are from all the times you left be alone!!! Left me while you were with her!!! You weren't really attempting to control the universe!! Instead, you were fucking another girl!" Tears streamed down your cheeks as his eyes darted from your eyes to your scarred arms.
"Y/n...I'm so sorry..." He said, stepping closer.
"No!!! Go away!!!" You screamed, stepping on the ledge, "I will jump, Bill. I'm not afraid to."
"But, please, y/n. Listen to me!"
"I've done enough listening and enough heartbreak to know what will happen. I'm sorry Bill Cipher but what happens, happens."
With those words, you stepped backward and fell.
"I love you, y/n!" He cried, running to the edge. You heard him, as well as birds chirping in the warm air. Then, you heard and saw nothing but black.

Cheater!Bill Cipher X Suicidal!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now