Chapter 6 - I Want To Go Home

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*Bill's POV*
NO....why....I made y/n....she killed herself.....
I looked down at her lifeless body. Her face was pale and her body lay limp. Her e/c eyes were glossy and wide, also full of misery. What have I done to her? She gave up everything for me....and I just threw it away for some other hoe....
"Y/n...." I muttered, tears slipping out of my eye. She was dead now. Gone into another world, out of my world....but....I am a maybe....just maybe...


*Your POV*
Your eyes opened, viewing a dark, cave like area. Many people were in the area and below, you saw flowers. It was beautiful here. You smiled, not caring how you got here. You thought you'd be happy here.
After a while of staying in the area, things began to get strange. People began to distance away from you and view you as....powerful. Why?
After a while, you did get your answer.
"Y/n...I'm here for you."


*Bill's POV*
I looked up at Lord Death. His glare sent shivers down my spine, but....I know this is what I want, no matter what price.
"Bill Cipher. How nice to...see you again."
"The feeling is mutual...I am here to gather something that is mine."
"Hmmm? Oh. You mean the girl." He said in a sadistic tone.
"Yes. What's the price?"


*Your POV*
"Bill? What are you doing here!?" You said with a growl. Now the memories....oh the memories, they were flooding back.
"I'm here for you. I know what I did was unforgivable and I'm so sorry...but....I wouldn't be here if I didnt love you."
"Then why did you do it!?"
"I....I....I dont was wrong, I know. You deserve better, but I want another chance. I guess I did it for the high. I felt as though having two women was better than having one, even if I didnt love them both....but I do love you! That is a vow on my demonic grave."
"How do I know you're telling the truth?"
"Would I be here if I wasn't?" He asked you with tears in his eyes. I guess.....he really did care.
"Bill....the deed is already done...I'm dead... there's no way to fix that..."
"I'm a demon, remember? I can fix just have to say that you want to go home."
"Really?" He smiled and nodded. You smiled and began to say the words, " I want to go home."

Cheater!Bill Cipher X Suicidal!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now