Chapter 7 - Sacrifice

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You shot up with a start.
"Bill!" You looked around to see an empty room.
"B-bill?" You shuffled around and looked for the love of your life. You looked on the fridge and saw a note.
Y/'re not going to be happy with this....I brought you back but....I won't be there. In order to bring you back, I have to pay something to do so...and I'm still there. I want you to be happy, and I know that since....i cheated on won't I brought you back and paid for my life instead. I still and always will love you, but please be happy with your life. I want you to find someone with while and make friends. I love you and I'm sorry but this is goodbye.
Your eyes watered as they scanned over the words on the page. Bill sacrificed himself for you....he really did love you....bit the question was....did you still love him?

Cheater!Bill Cipher X Suicidal!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now