Choices - Yes or No

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Now, you get a choice. You can get back with your cheating lover, or fall in love with someone else. It's up to you as a reader.

Choice One - Take him back
"Oh my!" You muttered.
You stepped back, holding your moth closed as the tears started uncontrollably falling down your cheeks. He risked his life for you! No, he gave his life for you! But....why? He loved that other girl...but he didn't...he told you himself that he loved you. And you did love him.
You got your knife and sat on your bed. You pulled the sharp blade across your wrist repetitively. The blood oozed out of the cracks. A tingle of pain and pleasure wiggled up your arm.
"This is for you, Bill..." You muttered and slipped out of consciousness.
You opened your eyes to see the cave and flowers again. A distance away, you saw a yellow coat and a black hat crouched over and upset. A guilty feeling and a happy feeling fought around your gut. It was your fault he was upset....but you're together now...
You walked toward him and hugged him from behind. He jumped, shocked a little, bit turned around to see you.
"Y/n!!! What are you doing here!? I sent you above!" He seemed somewhat angery.
"You....wanted me to be happy....but how can I do that without you?"
"You're not mad at me?"
"I'm happy. Happy I'm here with you again." You smiled at him.
"I love you, y/n." He planted a kiss on your lips.
"I love you too, Bill."

Choice Two - Move on held back the tears. First...he cheats on you...then he leaves you alone with foreign people....and nothing else....why couldn't he have just done you a favor and left you dead? You'd been tore down the paper and ripped it into shreds. You stormed out the door with tears in your eyes and a clenched fist.
"Y-y/n! Is.... everything okay?" An old, familiar voice said. You looked over to see Dipper Pines.
"I'm fine." You continued to storm off. He swiftly paced after you, a concerned look on his face.
"You just seem upset..."
"And you didn't noticed the past months of cuts and long sleeves!?" You bursted out, glaring at him.
He stopped and looked at you with wide eyes.
"Y-y/ cut?"
"Yes! I've been depressed for years and no one ever noticed! No one cared! Then when I try to end it, someone brings me back to set out on a better life....I just want it to end already!!" You let the tears pour. Arms wrapped you in a hug.
"I'm so sorry, y/n...I've been a terrible friend and a terrible person in general. I dont know what I was thinking....asking you out....I'm ridiculous...."
"A-asking me out?" You asked him, shock stopping your heart for seconds.
"Y-yeah...I guess that's why I've been avoiding you....ive been so scared to even talk to you because of my stupid crush....I...I guess it's out now...I really am so stupi-"
You planted a kiss on the boy's lips. You did feel an attraction toward him needed someone to help you right now.
"It's okay, Dipper...we can give it a try..." You gave him a smiled and wiped the tears off your face. You grabbed his hand and you went to set off on a better life.

Okay, this is the end of this story. I hope you guys liked it and honestly i was gonna end it from the most recent A/n but you guys kept asking for more so...I guess I gave you more but that's it. This story is done. Thanks for reading and sorry adding a bit took so long.

Cheater!Bill Cipher X Suicidal!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now