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In another universe, there are Humans. The term 'Human', in this universe, refers to an individual who lacks a native Essence in their blood. Those who have these Essences, are called Wielders. Wielders possess these Essences without choice, being something their born with, an energy that runs through their veins and empowers them with many different potential properties. Some Essences are more common, such as Incenders who wield fire or Glacials who manipulate ice. Others are much more rare, one in a million and nearly impossible to even imagine having a child born with one. However, if not one child is born with one, but four within the span of a couple of years, you would think they'd be protected. However when rare power and power in general exists, there will always be those who seek it. So when another child is born a bit after with a body capable of holding an Essence but no such power to be found, she becomes greedy.

Change universes to one that these people from before refer to as The Badlands. A universe where their land is simply a story that no one can give origin to. None have ever been, nor do they dare to go. This is a land where people with a speck of a freethinking mind or individuality are shot down and expected to be punished for their crimes or remain 'Static'. So after a young man is arrested for these crimes and his twenty-fifth birthday comes to pass in a cell, he is brought for a special treatment by the prison master. She infuses him with something called an 'Essence', and a rare one at that. He is plunged into another realm to suffer with her sister, but doesn't expect to find friends right away. Especially friends as rare as him.

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