Chapter 2 - Quoth the Crow

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Alister checked Kevin over, looking for anything he could to determine what he was, as there was some disagreement.

"He's human! I told you I can smell him! It's an entirely different smell!" Alix kept telling him, regardless if he ignored him or not.

"He can't be. I healed a cut on his leg. I can't heal humans like I heal wielders it's not as easy." Alister murmured under his breath while continuing his investigation, now paging through a few books.

"So a prisoner of Kankara?" Evan asked from his spot in the doorway.

"Yeah. She said this was my punishment, to suffer with her sister...." Kevin replied, watching Alix read over Alister's shoulder.

"Well she rules here. And let's just say us and her don't exactly get along. But we'll do what we can to help you out." Manny answered when he walked in with food for him.

"Thanks. I guess I was supposed to land with her. Something about an essence or something......."

Alister snapped around and quickly walked over.

"....essence.........I'm an idiot for not checking your, look at me....."

Kevin did as he was told and Alister saw the swirling silver in his eyes.

"Ghost essence! That's it! You're part ghost!"

They all looked at him, satisfied at having an answer.

"Well, you can stay here with us then. If Darkrai gets ahold of you, she'll have a field day." Evan told him, the others nodding in agreement. "But we'll call you Kevin Ghost. It fits better."

"Thanks. Seriously. I appreciate it."

"No problem. But I guess you should know who we are then, since we heard your story." Manny grinned. "I'm Manny. I'm a Vigori. I'm one of the strongest people around. Stronger than Alix, too." He teased.

"Well then." He answered snidely. "I'm Alix. I'm a vampire, or Monster, is what she refers to me as cuz she's a bit of a bitch, plus it's the official name of my Essence. But don't worry. I won't eat you. I have a serum that keeps me sustained." He smiled when Kevin shifted uneasily.

"I'm Evan, the Magician." He held up his hand and a small, humming flicker of electricity lit the tip of his finger. Kind of like a lighter, he flicked it away just as easily.
"I manipulate electricity."

They looked at Alister.

"Oh. I'm Alister. I'm a Machinist. I heal things and send a receive visions. Speaking of which......"

He touched two fingers to the back of Kevin's head. His eyes flashed with a white light and Alister pulled away.

"Now you can send me things when you're in trouble and I can send you things as well. And by the way, since you're infused with ghost essence, you can turn invisible at will."

They all heard a sound at the window and looked to see a deep, black crow tapping at the glass. It cawed once, ear splittingly loud, and flew off again.

The five of them went about their business, filling Kevin in on everything they could imagine he would need to know.

When they were walking through the forest to show him the most important paths, Alister froze mid step. His eyes flashed a brilliant amethyst before his knees buckled and he fell. Evan caught him and they waited the few seconds for him to wake up.

"What did you see? What's wrong?" Alix asked.

".........there's a problem.........that wasn't just any crow........." He whispered, rubbing his eyes and standing back up.
"....She knows...."

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