Chapter 1 - New

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"Alix! Stop showing off! You're going to get lost!" Alister shouted as the rush of wind went past them again, signaling the Monster speeding by.

"You act like I haven't done this a million times! I know every path like the back of my hand!"

Alister sighed and Manny laughed at how hard he tried, knowing quite well the response he was going to get every time.

"I hope you trip!" Evan shouted, hoping he heard him from wherever he was at now. Alister elbowed him.

"Don't say that! I have to fix him!"

"All of you shut it........" Manny muttered, taking a step forward.
"He's calling for us...."

The three of them looked at each other before running off in the direction he went.

When Alix was running, his still noticed things. Especially if it was something odd or new, since they had to stay on their toes.

So when a faint silver glow caught his attention from down a hill, he quickly stopped and slowly started to move towards it.

He came to a complete stop a few steps down as the smell of human blood coursing through veins assaulted his nose from the body laying at the bottom.

"A human? Out here?....."

When they all ran up next to him, Evan flinched a bit.

"Energy is off the fucking charts here...." He muttered, looking around for a source and trying to run the standing hairs down on his arms.

"What's wrong? We heard you call." Manny asked standing with Alister while Evan's attention was thoroughly taken.

"There's a human down there. I could smell him and stopped. I figured I would call the rest of you so one of us doesn't go down for being near him."

"So you're gonna take us all down?" Evan hissed, marching over again from his investigation.

"What's the deal, Sherlock?" Alix asked throwing the question aside.

"Not sure. I can't find a source and it's all fading. And I can't manipulate what's left. It's not electrical."

Alister carefully slipped down the hill with the others closely behind.

"....He's not dead........."

He put his hand on his shoulder and shook him a bit until he stirred and sat up.

"Where am I? What's going on?" He asked, a bit panicked once he realized the change of environment.

"Woah." Alix held up his hands to signal him to stop talking for a second. "We'll ask questions. Maybe we can give answers if you help us along."

"What's your name? Let's start there." Alister asked.

"Kevin. Kevin McCullough."

"Alright. Good start. Now where do you last remember being?" Evan continued with questions.

"Prison. In the dungeon. Kankara did something and I don't-"

"Kankara? Von Demont?" Manny pried, a bit caught off guard.

"Yeah....why?" He murmured, realizing something put all of them a bit off.

"It's fine. We'll worry about it later. Let's take you back to the house and make sure you are alright, what you are, how you got here, and get you out of that prison outfit." Alister replied, helping him stand.

The others above them helped them up the steep hill. They all showed Kevin landmarks along the way on how to remember to get back to the house of he were to leave.

Everything was quiet and as normal as the dull grey trees could be, except for the crow screaming out as they all walked by.

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