Chapter 3 - Bidding

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She sat in the foyer of her castle, writing quickly, yet meticulously in one of her many journals. The only light in the room was what glowed from her fireplace, just enough to barely see.

A small rush of air went through the room and she closed the book, sitting up.

"You can enter. I know you're there." She uttered, watching the door.

A man walked in in an outfit as black as the shadows on the walls. His eyes were a piercing red, almost glowing unlike that of a vampire's. His hair was ghost white and didn't move even when he bowed at her feet.

"Madame Von Demont. There is a human here, as you thought." He spoke flatly.

"Hm. Anything interesting about him? My dream wasn't clear." She replied, not looking at him, but at the floor in front of him.

"Ghost essence. He is infused."

"Interesting. Another power I lack. Have him killed and his essence drained. Bring it to me." Darkrai answered, voice almost crawling if voices could do so.

"There is a problem. He was found by the four frames. They know you'll come for him and stand by him. They stand as one."

The room was silent, not even the fire dared crackle while she thought.

"Assemble with your others and spread my order to them thus. Toy with them. Do as you please, but don't kill them quite yet. That will come eventually. For now, they are pawns in a game that will be fun to play. You may shift into what you please for the job."

He nodded once as his body changed back into a crow, flying quickly out of her window.

She stood swiftly, every movement as if she never touched the ground. Her hand waved and the fire went out. Fingers moved vertically again and the torches hanging on the wall lit up vibrantly.

Above her fireplace were a series of four intricately done frames with a sheer glass in the middle, almost as if they were never completed.

She sighed and shook her head, moving her hair out of her eyes to reveal the empty white irises that resided there, only a thin, black line keeping them from melding with the rest. Her gray lips uttered a series of words, very slow and very precise. As the chant went on, another frame appeared next to the rest, a brass name plate underneath.

"Four empty frames upon my wall,
Mirror traps waiting for their fall.
Create another for which you strive,
Add one more and make it five.
A Magician and Machinist whose powers I need.
A Monster and Vigori my energy needs to feed.
One more power that I need to boast,
Label this one..........
Label him Ghost."

Game of Disaster - A Ghost Town TaleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora