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"Let go of me!" He shouted, kicking to try and get free from the guards gripping ruthlessly at his arms.

They were silent as usual as he was carried, or, dragged into the deeper parts of the prison that he had never seen.

He was thrown down onto a steel table and his wrists and ankles were bound down to it, so tight he could feel the straps cutting into his skin even without trying to break free.

When the sound of heavy combat boots started coming down the hallway, he felt his breath catch in his throat.

No one ever saw the prison master except for her hooded figure signing their judgement. Every prisoner in the facility that still had their sanity knew of her, but none had ever seen her face.

She marched into the room and closed the door behind her, the heavy sound of the latch locking echoing through the room.

"Prisoner KM-7835, correct?" Her voice asked flatly.

"Correct, Madame. Just as you requested." The guard in the lead replied tentatively.

"I have a name........" He muttered from his steel bed, instantly panicking at how he spoke to the master, expecting a punishment of some kind from a guard.

"Ah yes. Kevin. How rude of me." She replied humorously. "My name is Kankara Von Demont. And as you know, I run this facility and am in charge of all of you delinquents."

She pulled down her hood and revealed what she actually looked like to him. The thing that caught his attention were the scars covering half of her mouth and across her cheek. Her eye on that side was pure white instead of the vibrant green on the other side and it was startling.

"Weren't you ever taught not to stare?" She drawled, pulling her cloak off the rest of the way and pulling on a pair of gloves.

He looked away, but listened to the conversation between her and the guards.

"Is the serum ready?" Kankara demanded.

"Yes Madame. And according to records he is ready as well."


She came back over to him with a needle in her hand. The liquid inside faintly glowed silver and it was almost as if it whispered in the silence.

"Now, Prisoner KM-7835, or Kevin, as you prefer to be called, you have been selected due to your records and your crime to undergo a transformation. As your punishment for the crime of Free-Thinking and Revolt, you will be sent to my sister's dimension of Distaria. Let's see how she deals with you. And I promise she isn't as nice as me....."

The needle was forced into his neck and he gasped on impact. The second the serum ran through his veins, his body started to flicker in and out of visibility. His eyes had turned from a blue-grey to a shining silver and the same whispering seemed to echo through his head.

"Goodbye Prisoner KM-7835, and Hello Ghost....."

Game of Disaster - A Ghost Town TaleWhere stories live. Discover now