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2:55 p.m.

Bud you got me in trouble :(


I got yelled at by the principal and my teacher. They made me read your text aloud :(

I'm sorry love

I guess it's cool. You didn't do anything to get me that in much trouble.

What did you need to talk about?

I have so many people telling me to stop doing what I love. But I don't want to. I try to block them out. It's really hard.

Bud don't listen to them. They don't deserve your time.

Put your phone down and got hang out with a friend. It helps :)

Thanks. I will :)


Really short chapter I apologize

I don't know what I'm doing with this story.

Should I finish it?

Should I start a new one?

Should I finish a different story of mine?

I don't know tbh

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