~ Prologue ~

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Memory can be defined as A thought of something you remember from the past.

- Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary-

Don't you think memory is a strange thing? Sometimes. We remember things, sometimes we don't. Remembering and forgetting is equally important.

Remembering an instance of achievement is important. Same way, forgetting a heart break is important to move on with your life.

If we didn't forget things, we'd still be grieving over the death of our first pet, our first breakup, etc. at such an instance, we think forgetting things is necessary.

But, at the same moment what if we forget other things which we consider of much importance? Imagine, waking up in the morning, you don't remember any thing in your life. It may be the things you did on the previous day, or maybe the previous week, or everything that has happened from the time of your birth. Gosh!

It's horrible, isn't it?

So, the mind is the most fascinating piece of organ that decides what we should remember and what we should forget.

Memory in contrast is a strange, queer thing. It is the list of incidents we remember. Mostly, only the things or situations which had a great influence on us will be a strong part of our memory. Psychologists have classified memory as strong, weak, fading, etc.

This classification is mainly due to the presence of a conscious and subconscious mind.


His hands are tied. He can hear her screams. But, he cannot do anything. The best he could do at the moment is crawl onto her as fast as possible. He tries. The wetness of the tiled floor makes it impossible for him to move.

There are moments like this you fear the most in your life. He never thought he'd be a person to witness it.

His chest is aching hard. But, all he can think is how to save her. She's the most precious thing that has ever happened to her. How can he let her go?

She's just lying about ten feet away from him. He can see the man holding her down onto the floor with his feet. His feet.

He starts to murmur. Because he cannot strain his voice on screaming. He had to save her.

Her eyes look painful. But, they're the most mesmerising thing he has ever laid his eyes on.

Suddenly, he notices the man of his hatred reaching her. He cannot let him touch her.

He feels two arms holding him tight, making it impossible to move.

The man has an iron rod in his hand. He stands behind her lying body and lunges to her head with the rod.


He could not bear the echo of the sound cracking her skull. It pains. It pains him so much.

The man strikes again and again. He can see her eyes drooping slow, but her eyes are locked into his eyes never looking away from his.

She smiles. She doesn't stop smiling. Her eyes close slowly. And all he can see is the pool of blood on which her body is lying.

He starts to scream.


The man walks towards him and looks at him. He looks directly into the eyes of the killer. He will never forget those eyes. Never.

The man speaks,

"Now, it's your call. Silly youths! "

He aims the rod and strikes his head. A sudden pain reaches his head.

The pain...



He can feel himself dozing off. His vision becomes blur and he can see her fading image.

There's only one thing in his mind.


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