I ~ Chapter 2

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I ~ Chapter 2

Meantime, a few miles away in London, in an abondoned house...

A door falls on to the floor with a loud crash. Onto the door falls a man in his late twenties. The man cries in pain as he crashes on to the floor on top of the wrecked door. His cries are futile because no one seems to hear them. The man runs into the house.

Zayn enters the house through the door which is now broken into pieces. He does not care about the door. It's none of his concern. All he wants is to satisfy his agony by killing the man who ran in front of him. He doesn't know why he's trying to kill this man. But all he knows is that he has to.

He stands at the entrance and looks around to find where the figure supposedly escaped. But, all he could see was dust covered furniture, rags, broken roof tiles and sunlight seeping through them.

Zayn takes fast steps towards the first room he could see. He walks in to it. But, he cannot find the man. He comes back out in a fast pace and looks around curiously.

In a corner, behind a grilled window stands the man himself looking at Zayn. The man cannot risk coming towards Zayn without any arms or weapons. Zayn looks around in all the directions but, doesn't seem to notice where the man is hiding.

The man looks around and grabs a long iron rod. Nodding to himself, the bearded man walks towards Zayn with the ultimate aim if attacking his head. He walks in silent steps towards Zayn from behind. Before he could slam the iron rod on to the back of Zayn, Zayn turns around on instinct and punches the man onto his lower abdomen. The grip of the man on the iron rod is lost and the rod drops to the floor with a loud creaking noise. The man too falls onto a grilled door by the side. Zayn approaches the man with fury and kicks him hard, and grabs him by the collar.

The man is feeling dizzy and Zayn, with his tight hold on the man's collars, knocks him on the forehead with his own. Zayn is too furious that he doesn't even care about his own pain. He attacks the man again to his forehead. He throws the man to the floor again and kicks him as hard as he can continuously.

The man tries to run away again, and Zayn runs after him. Zayn grabs the man by his shirt and throws him towards a wall. The man is hit on his head. There's a large patch of blood on the wall and the man starts to drop to the floor. Zayn grabs the man, but the man tries to fight Zayn off.

Zayn looks around with his grip right around the man in front of him. Zayn looks for something and all he finds is a rusted metal tap pipe next to him. He tightens his hold on the man with one hand and grabs the tap and pulls it off.

The broken tap removes from the wall with a creaking sound. Zayn held the pipe and pinned the man to the wall and aimed and attacked the rusted pipe to the man's abdomen.

The man let out a loud cry, and due to the force of anger released by Zayn on the pipe, the Bearded man fell to the ground. Zayn could see red liquid drops dripping from the tap. Zayn couldn't care less.

Beep. Beep.

A sudden sound came out of Zayn's pocket. He looked through his jacket and grabbed a Polaroid camera hanging in his jacket. The noise was from the alarm in the camera. Zayn switched the alarm off and placed it again inside his jacket. Zayn knelt on his knees and slapped the cheeks of the dead man lying on the ground below him.

Zayn stood up in confusion. He grabbed the Polaroid camera which hung inside his jacket and snapped a picture of the dead man. In reality it wasn't a deadman, it was a dead body. A picture followed the snap right after. Zayn took the photo carefully in his hands and looked around. He placed his camera back safe in his jacket and held the photo and looked at it for awhile. He shook the photo to get the final clear image. Then grabbed a pen from his jacket pocket and scribbled something on the picture, and placed them safely in his jacket itself.

The Polaroid camera was a huge part of Zayn's daily routine. It made his daily work much easier. So, Eventhough it wasn't his most prized possession, but now, all he had to his aid was it.

Zayn looked around and walked away from the room leaving the dead body lying on the cold ground of the abondoned house.


The police were determined to find the cause of the crime, more importantly, the doer.

It had taken around ten hours for the police to discover the dead body. The street watchman who was crossing the abondoned house on his way to his duty, was the first person who came across an unbearable odour. His doubts were cleared when he checked up on it his with one of his fellow colleagues.

It was a shock at first. But, as he informed the London police to attend to the crime scene, people started pouring into the scene of the crime. The place was flooded with news reporters, the police, FBI,etc.

In a while, the place was crowded. No one cared about the victim of the crime, for he was a wanted criminal by the FBI and the police. It was the curiosity on finding who committed such a brutal murder was flowing in the air.

The investigations were going for hours on when Liam arrived at the crime scene. Liam was a pro at his work, but he never considered it as a job but more of a career. It was when Liam was around the age of fifteen, his house was robbed. The London police traced the robbers and arrested them, but they were bailed within hours. Liam was furious as to why people even considered sending them on bail, but Liam understood everything when he eavesdropped his dad speaking to his mum about the interference of political figures and their influence on the criminals.

That's what made Liam to make it his ambition to track criminals like them. He figured the best way was to become a policeman. The noble job had great advantages, like opportunities to help others, meet new people, etc. So, just as Liam graduated he joined the London Police Buraue. Liam was successful in all the cases he was involved and was promoted as Deputy Superintendent of Police in a short span of three years. Liam was best known for his work. This was why Liam was assigned on this case too.

Liam walked towards the dead body which was lying on the ground, and looked around. Another man dressed in uniform walked towards Liam and saluted at him.

"Who was the first to inform, Dave?" Liam asked from the man opposite to him.

"The street watchman." Replied Dave.

Liam nodded in agreement and walked to the inside with Dave.

Just then, a black Range Rover sped to the entrance and stopped. The driver ran to open the door of the car, and stepped out a man around forty. He had a small beard in his face and looked raged.

Behind him were around six men, and he walked towards the dead body.

"What's he doing here?" Liam asked from Dave, staring at the man who stepped out from the car.

"Apparently, the man lying here, Roger, is a faithful worker under Dean. He was like Dean's right hand. That's the reason why he is here." Dave replied.

Dean was angry, he looked at the man to his right.

"He too was murdered just like Jack. This is the second murder of this week." The man replied to Dean.

~ Author's Note ~


This story is violent, and most of the scenes are graphical. Also, like I've already explained the other boys may or may not be in the story.

I really enjoy writing this in a third person's POV. If I confine the story into one person's POV, you will not be able to grab the whole story. So, request me if you want any part from Zayn's POV or anyother person's POV, I'll post it as a special chapter.

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Revenge [ Zayn Malik AU]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora