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It turned out that Seto's fever was high enough that, under normal circumstances, he would be hospitalized. The two nurses who'd arrived to tend to him, however, could give him all the same care that he'd get from the hospital. Those were the standing orders Seto had in place: that unless he and/or Mokuba was in need of immediate surgery or care that couldn't be provided outside of a hospital, they were to be cared for in their own home. The nurses soon had Seto back in his own bed and hooked up to an IV. While one of them asked Mokuba about his brother's symptoms, the other put a cold compress on her employer's sizzling forehead.

According to his little brother, Seto had been complaining about headaches for the past few days, but that was nothing new. The previous morning, he'd seemed flushed to Mokuba, but Seto had gone to work as usual. That evening, he'd seemed achy and reluctant to move. When he did move, he'd moved a little slower, a little more carefully than normal, as if he wasn't sure of his balance. He'd cleared his throat somewhat often, as if it were sore.

They were able to diagnose him with a severe case of the flu, and their first concern at that point was Mokuba's own well-being. Mokuba had informed them that yes, Seto had made him get a flu vaccine, but Seto had refused to get one himself. They rolled their eyes upon hearing this. Typical male, typical Kaiba. At least it meant that they could keep Mokuba in the apartment with his brother. They took turns in tending to the billionaire and tending to the billionaire's brother, making sure that he was fed and did his school work.

Mokuba, as worried as he was about Seto, was also getting frustrated. They wouldn't give him many details about his brother's state when he asked, so he had to resort to eavesdropping on them. His brother's fever was over 104' and getting steadily higher. He'd only truly woken up maybe once or twice throughout the day on his own, every other time it was when the nurses forced him awake to make him take his medicine and to coax him into drinking more water. They attempted to make him eat, but were unable to sway their stubborn patient. The rest of the time, he suffered in the throes of feverish nightmares, the worst dreams possible. He fought to suppress them, but as his fever increased, his dreams invaded his waking moments as hallucinations. Throughout the day, at a couple of different times, the nurses attending him were switched out with new arrivals.

In the evening, though, when Mokuba was beta-testing one of KaibaCorp's most recently developed games in order to keep his mind off of the situation, a doctor came to visit, replacing the two nurses on duty. Mokuba thought it odd that she chose to stay here alone for the night, without a partner, but didn't think too much of it. She was kind yet firm when she came to put Mokuba to bed, and he decided that he liked her more than he liked the others. He drifted off to sleep, hoping that his brother would be able to do the same and rest peacefully.


The young doctor sat by Kaiba's bedside as she took his temperature, frowning at the results. 105.1'. He was getting worse. She ran a hand through his long bangs, combing them back from his face as she attempted to smooth back his messy hair. His restless sleep disturbed her too; he shouldn't be this restless, even with a fever. There must be more to it. Dreams, probably. As she watched over him, she began to sing a soft Egyptian lullaby. She hoped that the lilting melody and smooth words, though in a foreign language, would help calm him. Of course, she also hoped that he would understand it. That he would understand and remember.


Seto became vaguely aware of the song at his side, of the ancient words that were as clear to him as his native tongue. His curiosity got the better of him, and he forced open his eyes. He immediately believed what he saw to be a hallucination, yet he still felt compelled to reach out and touch the mirage. He gasped softly as his hand felt silky hair and solid flesh, and a sweet laugh greeted his ears. His breath caught in his throat, and he blinked several times, trying to confirm that his eyes didn't lie to him.

No, he wasn't dreaming or imagining things. She was here, beside him, looking like the most beautiful vision to ever walk the earth and singing more sweetly than the holiest angel.

"Kisara..." he choked out in shock, his eyes watering against his will.

"Hello, Set," she murmured, lifting a hand to cover his as it rested against her cheek. Her smile was full of warmth and understanding. "It has been too long."

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