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"I want cake," Kisara announced as she leaned back in the rocking chair. "I want cake and steak and sushi and peanut butter and coconut..."

"I can get you some if you really want me to," Mokuba answered, perking up from where he was doing his homework on the floor.

"I'm tempted to take you up on that offer," Kisara sighed wistfully, staring up at the ceiling as her hands rested on her melon-sized stomach. "I'll let you know if I actually need something, though."

Mokuba resumed his math homework. He was already doing high-school-level geometry. Seto actually hadn't wanted to let him advance so far ahead, but Mokuba had complained of boredom to such an extent that he demanded more intellectual stimulation. He'd gotten the geometry on the condition that he be careful not to fall behind on anything.

"I hate it when Seto travels," she pouted, rocking slowly in the chair. "I know that he's perfectly capable of taking care of himself, and I know that he has a bodyguard and he left Roland to look after us, but I still don't like the idea that he's not in the country. I miss him too much, and I can't help but worry..." She took a sip of her tea, then set it back down on the table. "Stupid hormones," she grumbled. Her eyes started to water as yet another hormonal mood swing took hold of her. She grabbed some tissues from the tissue box next to her mug of tea. "Be grateful that you'll never have to go through this firsthand, Mokuba," she said, trying to prevent the tears before they covered her face. "As wonderful a thing as life and birth are, pregnancy can be quite miserable sometimes." Mokuba got up from the floor and came over to give Kisara a much-needed hug. "Thank you, dear," she murmured, closing her eyes for a moment.

Then a large hand clamped down over her eyes. "Guess who?"

"Seto!" they both cried with surprise and joy. Mokuba leapt up into his brother's arms. They embraced briefly before Mokuba was set down and Seto helped Kisara stand up and gave her a gentle hug.

"How are my two favorite people in the whole world doing today?" he asked cheerfully.

"Better, now that you're home," Kisara admitted as her eyes started to tear up again. As she started to cry, Seto shushed her gently, in too good a mood about being home early to be upset or annoyed.

"We should celebrate your homecoming with cake," Kisara suggested when she had her mood under control, smiling as her wet eyes sparkled.

"What kind of cake do you want?" Mokuba asked.

"Chocolate," she answered with immediate enthusiasm. "With extra chocolate. And ice cream. With cherries and whipped cream."

Seto chuckled.

"What? The baby's hungry!" she exclaimed in defense, and Seto kissed both her cheeks.

"You can eat as much cake as you need to, darling, as long as I can have a small bite."

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