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The more Kisara thought about it, the more she could remember Atlantis, although she didn't have a recollection of events much better than Seto's. His name in that time had been Critias; they could remember that much. Kisara was unable to remember her own, or even much about her own lifetime in Atlantis, but she could remember pieces of Seto's that he didn't.

"I know I was an orphan," Kisara said thoughtfully as she snuggled against Seto on the couch, holding her mug of hot chocolate in both hands. "I was begging on the streets. One night it rained hard... I found shelter in a stable."

"You fell asleep in the hayloft of the royal stables," Seto continued, one arm around her shoulders. "I found you the next morning and took you to the palace physician."

"That's right... you were a squire then," Kisara added, proud of herself for remembering. Seto snorted.

"I was little more than a stable-hand at that point," he corrected with a note of self-derision, glancing at his laptop bag leaning against the leg of the kitchen table. He fought the compulsive urge to return to work, though. He finally had Kisara back in his life. He didn't need to work every waking moment now that he had her. "And you were half-dead when I found you. It's a miracle you survived. Have you thought about what I asked you yesterday?" he asked, changing the subject.

"About attending the gala, you mean?" Kisara clarified. "Yes, I... I think I want to go," she said, blushing and sounding a little less than confident, which Seto picked up on quickly.

"You know, you don't have to go if you don't want to," he said quickly. "I don't want you to feel any pressure. I remember how you never really liked big crowds or parties."

"I don't feel pressured, Seto," she assured sweetly, touched by his concern. "I really do want to go with you and Mokuba to the gala. Speaking of Mokuba, he should probably get a haircut. His mane is getting unmanageable, and I doubt he'd appreciate it if I started braiding his hair to keep it tame."

Seto chuckled at that and kissed her cheek. "I'll take care of Mokuba, don't you worry," he promised. "In the meantime, we need to get you fitted for a dress."


"Yes. Yesterday you said you'd never been to a formal gala before, so I figured you didn't have a fitting dress to wear to it." Kisara blushed deeply, and Seto followed suit, holding back the urge to smack himself in the forehead. "I didn't mean fitting like that," he protested, seeking to explain himself. Kisara giggled and set down her hot chocolate on the coffee-table before rising to her knees and wrapping her arms around Seto's neck and peppering his face with kisses.

"You're adorable, you know that?" she said warmly, amused by the whole thing.

"Actually, no, you're the first to say that," Seto said, embarrassed as he answered her rhetorical question. She smiled down at him as she caressed his face and graced him with a full kiss. She relaxed into his embrace, shifting her legs so that she could sit across his lap. She closed her eyes, and for a little while, they just enjoyed each other's presence.

"Seto, what's the gala for again?" she asked as she toyed with his hair, him doing the same with her loose white locks.

"Pegasus is hosting the gala at his castle on his private island to encourage more cooperation and collaboration between gaming corporations that produce classic gaming products and video games," Seto explained patiently. "The alliance between KaibaCorp and Industrial Illusions was revolutionary and has led to significant mutual success. Pegasus is trying to encourage the same among similar companies from all over the world of various sizes. Duke and Yugi were also invited, Duke because he's the inventor of Dungeon Dice Monsters and Yugi because he's the King of Games and World Champion of Duel Monsters, so you'll finally get to meet them there." His expression turned sour. "Zigfried von Shroeder of ShroederCorp will also be there, but I'll make sure you don't have to hang around him much. Or at all."

Kisara smiled at Seto's protectiveness. She knew about his past with Zigfried and how he despised the man who'd almost ruined the second Duel Monsters tournament hosted by KaibaCorp. She also knew how much he loathed the pink-haired German and how his father had used Zigfried as a way of motivating him.

"For those invited who are not as affluent as I, Pegasus has arranged for a cruise-ship to take his guests to the island. We will be flying in instead."

"Why not take the cruise-ship?" she proposed. "We can make it a mini vacation. You know you need the break from work, and Mokuba will have fun. I'm sure that security will be decent, so he should be safe enough. And if Yugi and Duke are there, then we can ask them to keep an eye out for him, maybe watch him for a while so that you and I can have some time alone?"

"No way am I asking Yugi to do that," Seto replied, his cheeks turning crimson at the thought. Kisara smirked—something she'd learned from Seto.

"The gala is in a month, right?" she asked with a sly smile. He nodded. "Good. That means I have time to change your mind."

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