Best Man

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"So, the wedding invitations have gone out, the spaces have been booked, as well as the caterer. All of the design decisions have been made, we're just waiting for the dress to arrive and for you to pick a best man." Kisara let out a breath once she completed her litany.

Seto looked at Kisara, who stood staring up at him meaningfully.

"You really think I should pick Yugi to be my best man?" he asked with uncertainty.

"I really do," she answered softly. "I just don't think Mokuba can handle the pressure of being a best man."

"Oh, well if that's your only concern." Seto stood from the kitchen table and started striding confidently towards his brother's room.

"Wait, Seto, are you sure about this?" Kisara called, rushing after him and stopping him just before he opened his brother's door.

"Of course I am. He's my best friend. He knows me better than anybody else, and he's known us since the beginning."

Kisara couldn't argue with that.

"Hey Mokuba," Seto called into his brother's room after opening the door. "Will you be my best man?"

"Sure!" Mokuba answered brightly, looking pleased at the request.

"You know you have to make a speech at the reception, right?"

"Yeah, I know."

Seto looked at Kisara, 'I told you so' written all over his face. "See? He's fine with it."

"And when it comes time for your bachelor party?" she asked, one eyebrow raised at him in amusement.

"Pft, I don't need one of those," Seto said with a dismissive wave of his hand before putting an arm around his fiance. "I just need you. Both of you." He held out an arm and Mokuba scampered up to him, throwing his arms around his brother's waist.

"I just think eleven is a bit young to be a best man," Kisara murmured, half apologetic, half reluctant.

"Right," Seto snorted with amusement. "And fourteen is too young to be the president of a major corporation."

Mokuba laughed and said, "Good one, bro," while Kisara rolled her eyes.

"Have you finished packing for the trip, Mokuba?" Kisara asked, trying to redirect the conversation. "You need to finish today because we're leaving the day after tomorrow, and I don't want you to forget anything."

"Yes, Mom," Mokuba answered with a sassy flick of his hair as he released his brother.

"Is that an attitude I'm detecting?" Kisara scooped Mokuba into her arms before he could get away from her. Seto chuckled as his little brother squirmed and began to frantically apologize. He liked watching the two of them interacting: sometimes Kisara would help Mokuba with his homework when Seto was working, stay with him in the apartment when Seto was away on business, talk him out of his moods when Seto's bluntness was ineffectual.

He leaned back against the doorframe with his hands in his pockets, watching his family with a smile. His family. He liked the sound of that.


"Hi Mokuba," Yugi greeted, still leaning against the bar. His friends, those who had been invited to Pegasus' gala and were also taking the ferry to get there, were on the dance floor. Yugi had been with them, but he'd needed a break, and Tea had decided to stay. "How are you?"

"I'm doing well, thank you," the child replied smoothly. "And you?"

"I'm doing quite well. Is your brother here? I haven't seen him yet."

"Something came up at work that delayed him. He and Kisara will be coming later, but they'll be on the island by tomorrow night."

"Congratulations, by the way," Yugi said with a smile. "I didn't think Kisara had been reincarnated, but I'm glad she was, and I'm glad that Kaiba's... doing better. I'm looking forward to the wedding." He'd already received the invitation and was shocked like the rest of them. Joey had been the most shocked, because he actually did get an invitation as well.

"I am too." Mokuba hesitated, looking nervous, then said, "Seto asked me to be his best man a couple days ago."

"Wow. That's a big responsibility." Yugi was amazed, but then, who else would Kaiba have asked? It really wasn't a surprise.

"It is, but I'm fine with it. I've done plenty of public speaking before." He didn't seem fazed by the idea of giving a speech, which made sense: he'd spoken in front of thousands of people at the KC World Championship without breaking a sweat. "I already wrote my speech for the reception, but I was wondering if you could take a look at it and help me polish it up a bit?" Mokuba looked up at the King of Games hopefully. "It's just a rough draft right now, and it needs to be looked at by someone who's had more experience with formal speeches."

"I'd be happy to do so," Yugi replied with a smile.

An hour later, Yugi and Mokuba and Roland were sitting in Mokuba's room on Pegasus' cruise ship, going through the speech Mokuba had written for the reception. First, Yugi had skimmed through it once, then gone through it again with a pencil to make notes.

"If we fix the phrasing here, we can make the parallelism a little neater," Yugi commented, underlining the sentence in question.

"How do we do that?"u

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