Chapter 4

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"Why won't you tell me how you got here?"

"Don't you already know?" Regina drawled, seemingly paying Emma no mind as she debated her next move. Her eyes never left the checker board.

"I know what Severe told me. But I want to hear it from you. Plus, she only told me how you were found, not how you got to be dressed up in Victorian clothing on I-95."

"And what would be the point of telling you when you won't believe me?" She had a point there, Emma supposed.

"Just humor me."

"Don't I always?"

"Regina." She scolded lightly. The brunette sighed before moving one of her black pieces diagonally, capturing one of Emma's easily. The blonde deflated.

"I was sent here by... people I know, two people I used to despise, to find their daughter, which funnily enough is the woman I'm currently in love with," Regina chuckled darkly. "How cheeky Fate can be."

Emma froze, "You're in love?"

Regina lifted the red checker piece she had just stolen from the blonde and rotated it between her fingers.

"I am," Regina smiled. "But it doesn't matter."

"Of course it does! Has she come to see you?"

"Yes, dear. I see her quite often." Emma felt her heart drop before she could neutralize her reaction. She couldn't be jealous of a nameless, faceless person, especially when said jealousy comes from not being the center of her patients world.

Emma cleared her throat, "So you found her before you were locked up?"

"No, dear. I found her after I was locked up, as you say."

Emma furrowed a brow, "Okay, I'm gonna stop interrupting. Start from the beginning."

"It's a long story."

"You got somewhere to go?"

"Touché, dear. Are you going to move a piece or can I claim victory by forfeit?"

"Let me think, woman." The blonde looked to the board, analyzing her options.

"I lived in a small town until something occurred and many of us had to flee. I was separated from my son and his other mother, the woman I love. Her parents came with me."

"Why didn't they go with you too?"

"Are you going to keep interrupting me?"

"Sorry," Emma winced. "Continue."

Regina cleared her throat, "I was ready to give up, to just lay down and die, but the people I was with wanted to find a way back home."

Emma leaned forward and raised her hand shyly. Regina smirked, "Yes, Emma?"

"Where's home?"


"Sounds like it came straight out of a story book or something. Anyway, what happened next?"

"They ran into a roadblock almost immediately. Her name was Zelena. She's my step sister, I suppose."

Emma snorted but Regina just smirked as she continued, "Zelena was going to drag us back to Storybrooke but under conditions that none of us wanted. I was sent here, before Zelena could accomplish her goal, in order to find the woman I love and take her back home, where her help is certainly needed. But as I walked out of... out of the portal, I stumbled into oncoming traffic. It got heated, law enforcement was called, and, voila, here I am."

"A portal?" Emma questioned, no judgement or amusement in her emerald eyes.

"Yes." Regina peered back down at the board, staring intently at a piece of the cardboard peeling off from excessive use.

"You said you found her? The woman you love?"

"I have, yes."

"Then why aren't you trying to leave with her? Why aren't you trying to get back home?"

"She still doesn't fully believe me."

"Why wouldn't she believe you? Wasn't she there when you left?"

Regina sighed, "Yes, but her memories were wiped and replaced with new ones so that she could live peacefully without knowing all the family she left behind."

"Her memory was erased?" Emma moved her red piece, not managing to capture any of Regina's. Maybe she just liked seeing the brunette's face light up when she came away victorious. "You know, this is like some X-Files shit."

"That's a great show. I hear they're doing a revival."

"Nice try at a deflection, Madame Mayor," Emma chuckled before realizing what she said. She took in Regina's bright, almost smug, smile. "I'm sorry. I don't know where that came from."

"But I do."

"What do you mean?"

Regina moved another black piece, capturing Emma's red piece easily, "It's probably cause you think I'm bossy."

"Well you are." Regina hummed, biting her lip to stifle a grin. Emma felt warm, staring at the plump pink flesh being pulled those white teeth, that she envisioned could nip her neck the way she likes. "Has your son come to see you?"

And she almost physically saw Regina's walls go up. The brunette's eyes shined.

"No. That's why I must convince my love to believe me. I have to see my son," Regina's shoulders curled inward. "He's my everything."

'Because he is everything', Emma heard echo in her head.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't imagine." The blonde swore she saw a tiny glare shot her way but it was gone before she could process it.

"I'm tired." Regina started to stand, making Emma jump up as well.

As they walked back to Regina's cell, Emma felt guilt, even though she had no idea why she was feeling that way.

"I'm sorry if I said something..."

"No, dear. I'm just tired." The entered the cell and Regina immediately plopped down on the bed.

"So the son is still a sore subject," She watched Regina glare at her. Yeah, it was definitely a glare. "What about the woman? Tell me about her?"

The brunette softened a bit, "She's a pain in my ass."

Emma snorted, glad that Regina was obviously lightening the mood.

"I despised her when I first met her. I felt a strong, such a strong, attraction to her. She was so beautiful but challenged me like no one ever had. In a way, it made me fall for her even more deeply, though I wouldn't have admitted it at the time. We fought, physically, strategically, verbally. We were always against each other. I think I truly realized the extent of my feelings at the town line, when I had to say goodbye, because in that moment I knew I wouldn't just miss my son, I'd miss her too. I'd miss her fire, her passion, her... knack for heroism and kindness. And even though I see her now, it's not the same. She doesn't remember me. She doesn't remember cutting a branch off my tree to get her point across. She doesn't remember giving me a chance when no one else would. She doesn't remember me as Regina. She remembers me as Regina, a patient at an asylum."

Emma felt warmth in her chest, love and affection flowing through her veins. She wanted to hug the brunette, to hold her hand, to maybe even kiss her. Yeah, kissing would've been nice.

"I'm so sorry, Regina."

The brunette looked at her, eyes shining and nose red, "Me too."

Emma rubbed the back of her neck, "Maybe she'll remember soon?"

"I hope so."

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