Chapter 12

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Emma stared at the brunette, who was glaring at her.

"You actually made me believe I was crazy, you idiot."


"This tumor made me forget my last name and how much you aggravate me but I'm not delusional, Emma."

"I'm... What?"

"My name is Regina Mills. You are Emma Swan. We share a son, named Henry. You are his birth mother and I adopted him when he was a baby."

"What the hell? No, Regina. I have to tell the doctors that something is wrong."

"No! Please, Emma! I know you believe me. I know you started remembering things. That book that Henry has is our story. It wasn't a best seller. It's his personal book. Have you ever heard of that book before? No, because I put that into your memories so that our story would always be there."


"I was sick and I forgot so many things but I was not delusional. That wasn't a symptom."


"Your parents need our help. The town needs our help. Emma, please, you have to get us out of her and we have to go to Storybrooke."

"Regina, I--"

"I believed you. I trusted you. I need you to trust me. We need to get out of here and we need to get Henry and we need to go to Storybrooke. Your memories can be restored there."

Emma just stared at the brunette, flabbergasted. Regina held her gaze, not flinching once under its strength.

"Please, my love. You told me you wouldn't leave me and you would stick through everything. This is a part of everything. If it's a delusion and I'm crazy, we'll drive back here and I'll let you do whatever you want, even if that means sticking me back in that damn asylum."

Emma squeezed her hand as her eyes continued staring intently, looking for any hint of deception.

"I could lose my job, sweetheart."

"I know."

"Henry would be so confused."

"I know he would, but he also wants to believe. He's got the heart of the truest believer."

"How did you know that? That he wants to believe?"

"I know him."

"What's his middle name?"


"What the fuck! How do you know that?"

"You deep down know how."

Emma stepped back, running a shaky hand through her hair. Regina just watched as the blonde paced for several minutes.

"We can't go now. You're still healing."

Regina released a shaky, relieved breath, "We can wait a week."

"How would we get you out of here without causing too much mayhem?"

"We'll figure it out."

"And Henry? He'll think I'm bat crap crazy!"

"Yes, he probably will. Hell, he'll probably laugh at you. But he'll go along with it. He has such hope a spirit for adventure."

"Where even is Storybrooke?"

"Not far from here. Less than three hours."

Emma walked back to Regina's bedside and leaned forward, placing a sweet kiss to her lips.

"Is it strange to think that I want it to be true too? I want to have parents, magic, you and Henry. I want to be the Sheriff in a dinky town. I want us to have that history Henry told me about. I really do."

"It's not strange. When I was in my cell the days before the surgery, thinking that everything I thought to be true just wasn't, I felt alone. I felt like the only person that cared about me was the woman sent to befriend me. I was so angry that I loved a little boy who I was told wasn't real. I was utterly destroyed."

"I know."

"I wanted it to be true. And right now, I know it is and I can't wait for you and Henry to know it too."

"We'll see."

"Yes, Emma, you will. I promise you."

Mente SonumOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora