The King

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Chapter 6: The King

Once they got there Alexandra told them exactly what she told Kyra. They started to get officers to head out to the cottages to apprehend him. Alexandra was Hoping that they would get him and make him pay for what he put her through, and to avenge Mrs. Wallace.

Mr. wallace woke up to sirens outside his cottage and the light from the flashlights and cars shown through the cracks. He started to panic and grab all of his thing while thinking How did they find me? How did they find me? He got all of his thing and tried to get out from the back window but the place was surrounded by the police.

" Come out slowly with your hands up!" AN Official said on a Megaphone.

He walked out slowly seeing that the S.W.A.T. team was there in body armour and Guns pointed at his head. Suddenly, while he walked toward the officials he felt like a king being bowed by his people and not scared anymore.

" You are under Arrest for the murder of your wife Mrs. Janet Wallace and for accusing an innocent g.

The words went in one ear and out another, while he was forced into a police car.

" We have apprehended the suspect" Someone said on the walky talky.

" We got him. " The sheriff said and the station cheered. Everyone was cheering and hugging and screaming for joy.

When they brought him back people were there waiting when he came up the elevator. He walked out and everyone was on the sides making a path for him. Mr. Wallace no longer felt scared he felt proud of what he did and walked down the hall full of pride with no emotion for her family. When he saw Alexandra he stopped in front of her, leaned over, and whispered in her ear.

" I guess you got me this time but next time won't be so easy " and he pulled away and laugh like a maniac and gave her a joker smile. While he was taken away he was yelling at her IT WON'T! IT WON'T! HAHAHAHA!!! Alexandra felt terrified at what he was saying but was happy he was away, for now.

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