The Ending?

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Chapter 7: The ending?

Hello, I have been narrating this story and i am sure you want to know what happens. He was put away for 68 years because he ran into hiding and for murder of course. Their kids, well i don't know what happened to them, they probably fell in a hole or something. Now, i know you want it to be a Happily Ever After but it's not that easy. Mr. Wallace was not joking about having her parents on a leash. Once it went public that He was in jail his " Buddies " went after her parents and they were, sadly killed by an " accidental " accident. They passed on July 12 2009. Alexandra is Good, she finished high school and became a police officer and have solved over 60 murder cases. She has a family now, 2 girls and 1 boy. She lives a happy life now but what happened will never leave her, ever. But one day a group of people broke into the prison and took Mr. Wallace and now he is out there, waiting for Alexandra to make a wrong move. He is waiting for his revenge. He is going to make it not so easy to get him this time.

I'm coming for you Alex, i'm coming. And this time i'm ready. hahahaHAHAHAHAHA!!!


Sorry for not updating in a while i have been very busy. i hope you like this story. I have one more to upload up so stay in tuned. Bye! - D.E.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2016 ⏰

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