Chap. 1 - Peach

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So YAY! Just getting started in writing and forming a new hobby. I want to mkae this story a Filipino-English book but I figured that I would stick with English. So... if your reading this thanks and I love you. I'm a bit new here in Wattpad so im not that well aquainted.

If there are wrong grammar and misspelled words please tell me :)) (but please dont be mean about it) Thats all thank you.


"DAD !" God! its my first day of school and I'm gonna be late because of my dad. "Dad will you please hurry up... I don't wanna be late in my first day in that school. That would give a bad impression to my teachers or the principal or the guard." Moving abroad was a very bad idea so is transferring me to that new school.

"Okay honey, just give me one more minute." Thats my dad Martin McDonald, a novelist, so if you have read some books about things I don't really care about, he probably wrote it.

"Martin, the principal clearly said I should be there by ten in the morning. I dont know the school so I need a tour dad." A tour with the principal sounds kinda nice right? Well maybe no if the principal is hated by the whole campus body.

"Dad!" I yelled once again to see if my dad is even listening.

"Okay okay. Get out of the kitchen and get in the car. I'll be there in a minute." My dad pleaded from upstairs.

"Ok fine dad. But hurry up. I dont wanna be late." I decided to give him another minute to whatever he may be doing upstairs. Wait, what the hell is he even doing upstairs? I laid the question off my mind and went to the car. A minute later my dad got out of the house and got in the car.

The house we moved into is beautiful outside. Wooden door with carved angels, mirrored windows and a balcony! Talk about cool.

The drive to school was pretty long and annoying because of my dad singing to Tears for Fears songs.

We rounded the corner and finally saw the school I was transfering to. My dad kissed my cheek before dropping me off in the front gate of the school.

"Bye honey. Be nice and make me proud." my dad said, smile almost at his ears. I just smiled back and went out of the car. I waved my father bye as he left.

Facing the school I noticed that the teenagers there was less than I expected, maybe because its still ten and the class starts at eleven.

I entered the gate and walk pass the hallway peeking every room I pass. Where in the name of Peter is the principals office here? I felt someone tapping my shoulder.

"Looking for something Miss?" I jumped in my place out of shock, God how embarrassing. I heard the man giggle behind me. Rude much? Startling me then laughing. I turned around just to see a gorgeous man in a gray suit. The man is about twenty-five to thirty years old based on his look so he's probably not a student and only god knows what kind of body the man has underneath that sexy well-worn suit. "Hey? Do I have something on my face?" The man gave me a questioning look.

I need to snap out of the hypnotism this man is giving me. I slapped myself mentally and immediately, I was back to my less than stable mind.

"O-oh... No nothing is on your face, other than the word sexy... No, I mean, it's just that um... you shocked me." It was a good reply more or less.

"Okay... Let me introduce myself. I'm Jonavvieve Wellbourn, Stateville High Principal, and you are?" So this is the principal my dad was talking to about an hour ago in the phone.

"I-I'm Peach McDonald, a new student and I was looking for your office."

"Ms. McDonald! I talked to your dad about an hour ago. And the description he made about you is correct."

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