Chap. 2 - A tour for the new girl

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Im now, currently, on the moment, at this time, walking in the hallways, with this sexy piece of meat.

Mr.Jon said that I and this guy I'am with now, should first tour inside the campus and we should definitely introduce ourselves to each other while walking so we wouldn't waste any of his precious time.

The guy beside me now was explaining about things we were passing by, but I can't seem to focus and I keep singing this cute song inside my head; 'Were walking to the library, a hunk is beside me, lalalalala lala, I'm gonna strip him down, lalali lalali, when I have the chance'. I know, I know, I'am a great composer after all.

"Hey are you even listening to me?" He snapped at me. Bringing me back to my senses.

"Why yes! Yes I'am," a sudden answer but it's good enough. "I'm Peach by the way." Introduction 'is' the start of a conversation. I raised my hand, offering him a handshake.

"I know, Mr.Jon told me. Matt." He said without accepting my handshake. He's rude and I could clearly see that.

I faked a cough to shield me from humiliation "So... Your a junior or something?" He must be.

He shook his head. He's not a junior? Then he must be a senior? I was on the verge of asking but I stopped when he opened the door to the library.

I gasped in shock. The library was so big! The front part is probably the librarian's counter and in front of the counter are tables and chairs. The back part though was a maze of bookshelves signed alphabetically, but what really caught my eye is the stairs up to the second floor of the library. I'm not being ignorant but I never saw a library with a second floor. The library in my last school was not close in being beautiful as this library.

Some tables are packed with normal people, well I wouldn't really call them normal, if I base on the student definition level, they would be the geeks and nerds.

Matt pulled me to the counter and waved at the librarian. The librarian for one was beautiful. Her reading glass perfectly shaded her green irises, her lips pink in color and her hair is pulled back to a pony tail. I'm no lesbo or something but she is quite hot.

"Hey Natalie!" He gave a high-five to the lady. "Natalie this is Peach, Peach this is Natalie, our school librarian." Obviously duh... Natalie raised a hand to give me a high-five. Wow! She's very formal in greeting new people, that was quite a formal handshake. Sarcasm filled my thought.

"Sup?" Natalie spoke with a quite masculine tone.

"O..." I said. You can trace shock from my tone. I felt my cheeks blushing bloody red.

Natalie giggled. "Surprised? Don't worry I get that a lot," She gave me a warm smile. "Never seen a hot lesbian?" I smiled and let out a little laugh. I looked at Matt and saw huge grin on his face.

"Now that you met each other, Peach let's go to the cafeteria and get lunch. I'm starving." Matt said, the huge grin still painted on his face. He gave Natalie a high-five and turned around to walk to the door. Natalie gave me a wink after Matt called me to hurry.

Matt is walking in front of me giving me full view of his back and ass. He's obviously taller than me, his bisceps were well built, toned body which show signs of muscles in his fitted cardigans. If he could hear my thoughts right now, I would sound like a total perv. He suddenly stopped and I bumped him, my head hitting his nape.

"Ow! Why did you stop!?" I gave my forehead a light massage to remove the lingering pain the bump gave me.

"Sorry... It's just... What do you want for lunch?" That was a stupid question.

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