Part 4 - The Address

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Unknown to Maine, Kat stole the letter she composed for Alden and asked around for his address. The letter was mailed to his school and after a week (yes matagal ang snail mail noon as in snail speed talaga) a very suprised Alden held the letter in his hands.
"Who on earth will write me a letter?" He thought to himself as he looked at the envelope while walking back to his classroom from his school's mailing station where he was called this morning. He haphazardly tore the envelope, crumpled it and tossed it to the first trashcan he saw. Curious as to who the letter came from, he looked at the name of the sender. Written neatly in print was the name Maine Mendoza. He stopped dead on his tracks and clutched his heart. Is this real or is Sam just playing on him because he had been desperately searching where Maine goes to school in Bulacan. He took a few deep breathes and started to read. This is not a dream. He kept on telling himself. And this is not something Sam can pull of writing. This has to be from Maine. He hurried to the library, pulled out paper and a pen and started to draft his reply to her letter. Took him two hours and skipped three classes to finally have the final draft. Tonight, he will transfer it to a decent stationary and mail it to her the following morning. Then it dawned on him. The envelope! He threw the envelope in a trashcan before he knew the letter was from Maine! And he can't even remember which trashcan it was. He rushed out of the library and rummaged every trashcan he could see like a madman. Two hours and a dirty Alden later, still no envelope was found. He cursed himself for being a complete idiot.

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