#1 "I've always been an ass-type of guy."

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I love Angelica.
I love her more than anyone, or anything in the world. She would always laugh at my terrible jokes, and respond to me sarcastically when I asked stupid questions. But that was one of the biggest things I loved about her, she was always happy. The way she finds the good in everyone and everything, always positive. She'd always manage to make a smile on my face.

She's my best friend, I've known her since Pre-K, now the time has finally come. It's senior year for us both and in all honesty, I can't wait until we graduate from this motherfücker.

"Any plans today?"

She asks, I awkwardly cough, pulling away from my intense stare at her. She giggles besides taking a sip out of her coffee.

"Not that I know of, I might practice guitar again. See if I've gotten rusty since my last play."

She rolls her eyes

"Shawn, the last time you practiced was yesterday night. I'm sure you are so unskilled right now."

I chuckle, hearing her light giggle escape from her plump lips.

"Alright, alright. Maybe I was a bit dramatic."

Angelica couldn't help but laugh. Her laugh, how can one look so beautiful without even trying?

"A bit? Maybe in your dreams Mendes. You seriously need to calm down with the coffee dude, too much caffeine is gonna lead you down a bad path."

She scolds me, I pout my lip

"But it's so delicious, and warm, and good"

I sound like coffee controls my life, it's because it does you dimwit.

"Let's get out of here you dork, you sound like the freaking Gollum from Lord Of The Rings. Just replace the gold ring with coffee, and Gollum as you."

I feel my stomach hurt from how hard I was laughing, she was so mean to me but in a good teasing way.

"What? No."

She raises her eyebrows

"You look like him too. Or whatever Gollum is."

I fake a gasp, placing my right hand on my chest

"Why would you still say that if you knew how I would feel?"

I reference the Kardashians. I'm pretty sure I said it wrong but whatever.

"Because I'm your best friend dweeb. Real friends insult each other."

She pokes my arm, I take her hand and wrap my arms around her. She smiled, snuggling up to my chest. I'd always do this out of the blue, I'm a hugger type. And she'd love my hugs since she thinks I smell like vanilla also because I'm tall. She looks up from my chest, her chin resting on my chest.

"Thanks for being my best friend Mendes."

I smile, you're so beautiful Angelica.

"Of course Gomez."

I grab her ass purposely, she gasps loudly.


She glares at me, pushing me away, her hands rub her butt cheeks. I must've grabbed her hard, I mean her äss is truly something.

I innocently shrug

"I've always been an ass-type of guy."

I wink at Angelica, she turns a deep scarlet.

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