#6 "We're gonna make things right."

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"How'd you know?"

I sigh. Holding her shaky hand.

"For months I saw bruises on your body where they usually don't appear. I grew concerned, obviously, and I had an idea of why they were there. Remember that time where I took you to eat out on your birthday? I picked you up from Brian's?"

She nodded her head sadly. My poor, Angie.

"I saw through the window, Angie. I saw what he did to you. It was horrific, and I was beyond angry to why you didn't tell me earlier."

I see tears roll down her cheek.

"I-I'm sorry, I was just afraid. H-He said he'd hurt me even more if I told anyone."

She stuttered, gripping onto my hand. I wouldn't let that happen, never.

"Angelica you'll always be safe with me, I'll treat you better than he ever could. No girl deserves to be beaten, you and I are gonna do something about that tomorrow."

She looked up, her cheeks stained, and her eyes puffy.

"What do you mean?"

"I set up a few cameras inside my house while I left, I let you and Brian have some alone time here. I filmed everything."

She looked shocked.

"We're gonna make things right, you deserve justice, Angelica."

She hugs me tightly.

"Thank you, Shawn. Thank you."

I nod my head. I cared about her, and no matter how much I hated to say this, but I loved her. More than anything. I knew she didn't feel the same way, but I'm never gonna lose hope. Not for her.

                   This is going to end,

                         I'm gonna make sure of it.

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