Chapter One

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{I apologize in advance if Ja'Far is ooc. I hope you enjoy!}

Sighing, you hung your head low as you remembered the orders that were given to you. Your (h/l) {For those who don't know: Hair Length} hair flowing in the wind as you shivered. Pulling up the (color) hood of your uniform, you stared straight ahead at the castle as the moon glowed in the dark night.

Swiftly, you began scaling the wall of the castle and rolled into the open window of King Sinbad's room. Making your way to his bedside, you pulled out your (weapon) and got ready to stab him. Suddenly, you felt something wrap around your arms.

"Thought I heard something in here...."

You heard a sexy voice say. Turning your head, you struggle against the red thread that is encasing your arms.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on King Sinbad."

He spoke as he drew closer to you. Upon reaching you, he shoved you against the wall and put a blade attached to the red thread against your neck. You widened your eyes as you took in this mans features. White hair...gray eyes...freckles that littered his face across his nose.


You stuttered out. Ja'Far tensed up a bit before going back to his serious face. At this moment, King Sinbad woke up and yawned.

"Ah, Ja'Far. Release her."

He spoke in a calm way.

"W-What?! Why should I relea-"

You didn't let him finish his question as you brought your knee up to his stomach. Flinging him over your shoulder, you threw him out the window with all your strength. Picking up your (weapon), you made your way over to Sinbad and rose it above your head.

"It is time...for your execution...King Sin-"

You didn't get to finished your statement as a sharp pain erupted in your lower back.


An angry voice spoke as you fell to your knees. The cold feeling of blood, your blood, running down your back as you looked up at Ja'Far, who had climbed in through the open window.

"Have a pleasant dream."

Those were the last words you heard before a sharp pain hit your head and your vision began to blur. You fell to the side as you drifted off, loosing your consciousness.

"I told you to release her, Ja'Far."

"She was going to kill you!"

Ja'Far shouted angrily as he picked you up and threw you out the window. He scoffed.

"Was I supposed to let her do that?"

Ja'Far asked, turning to his king who was glaring at him.

"You were supposed to let her go. And whY DID YOU THROW HER OUT THE WINDOW!?"

Ja'Far shrugged and began walking out of the room. Sinbad sighed and went back to sleep.

{Let me know what you think. Thank you all~!}

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