Chapter Five

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You woke up in a comfy bed. A sense of dread washed over you as you noticed handcuffs placed around your hands.

Hmm...déjà vu?

You sat up and looked around. You were in the same room as when you were first knocked out, a long time ago. The door opened to reveal Sinbad and May. May bounded over to you in excitement and hopped on the bed, hugging you tight.

"(y/n)! (y/n)! I've missed you so much!"

You tilted your head and chuckled slightly.

"You've been out for a week, (y/n)."

King Sinbad spoke as he motioned for someone to come in the room. Ja'Far limped into the room, a hand held to his stomach.

"I hope you know, it still hurts like hell."

He said with a chuckle. You raised your eyebrow.

"And why do you look so happy?"

You asked while May sat in your lap.

"May told us everything that happened. To think, you'd go through the trouble of trying to kill me just to save May."

You snorted.

"I didn't try to kill you. I made sure to stab you where I wouldn't hit your vital parts. Appendixes are overrated anyway."

{Heads up, Reader-Chan: You don't need your appendix. It's not a vital organ.}

"Do I really need to keep these handcuffs on then?"


Ja'Far answered and left the room.


You muttered under your breath. Suddenly, a blade went whizzing past your head, embedding in the wall. You noticed a little bit of your (h/c) locks fall to the ground. You noticed Ja'Far giving you a death glare.

"You're a master of lies, (y/n). How am I supposed to know what the truth is?"

Ja'Far said while picking up May.


you yelled and reached out to him, only to have May giggle.

"Ja'Far is big brother!"

Your eyes widened and you relaxed.

"I'll just be taking her for a walk."

And with that, Ja'Far walked out of the room. Sinbad sits in a chair next to you and chats with you before you hear a loud bang....

{Sorrrrry this is so short reader-chan! I might update again later tonight. Forgive me-!}

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