Chapter Three

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A couple of weeks have went by. You and Ja'Far have grown quite close, but neither of you has made a move yet. Your heart only grows more anxious thinking of what happened a few nights ago.


You were getting ready for bed, having said your good nights to everyone and getting a chance to meet Aladdin and Alibaba, when you noticed something wasn't right. You looked and looked and looked, but you just couldn't find the photo of you and May.

Your eyes widened with rage as you noticed a note hanging from your door.

If you want May to live, you better kill Ja'Far. I want a vile of his blood.

-Sham Lash

You clenched your fists as you picked up your (weapon). You made your way into the hallway, still in your pajamas, and walked down to Ja'Far's room. You opened the door just in time to see him slipping a shirt on.

"Oh. Hello (y/n). I thought you were heading to bed?"

Ja'Far asked as he began unraveling the red thread on his arms. You sighed and pulled out a small vile. {You just magically happen to have that}

"I am...sorry. But, I need your blood."


He finished unraveling the threads on his arms and set them aside.

"(y/n), are you okay?"

You started to tremble as he stepped closer to you and brushed the hair out of your face. He placed a hand to your forehead and frowned. His face was layered with concern.

"(y/n), you're burning up!"

You took a shaky breath as you rested your chin on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry."

You said as your hands gripped your (weapon) tighter.

"I truly do love you. And I will, forever and always."

And with saying that final sentence, you thrusted your (weapon) into his stomach and took the vile. You got a few drops of his blood in the vile. Ja'Far shoved you backwards and fell to one knee. He began to slowly remove your (weapon) from his stomach while squeezing his eyes shut. He glared at you when he removed your (weapon) and opened his eyes.


Ja'Far staggered out as he struggled to reach his blades on his nightstand. You quickly reacted and threw his blades out the open window. {Me and windows, and windows....} You ran your hand through his hair in a gentle pet as you bit your lip. He slapped your hand away and weakly attempted to stand. He coughed up a little blood into his hand as he clenched his other hand into a fist.

"Don't you dare..." He coughed. "Go after Sin..."

You sighed and began backing up. He staggered after you.

"You were my only target."

You began sprinting out of the castle and through the town, still in your pajamas. Although, they were now stained with blood. Ja'Far's blood. Tears streamed down your cheeks, but Ja'Far abandoned you all those years ago. May had always been there for you, and you couldn't just let her die.

"I love you...."

Both you and Ja'Far whispered, unbeknownst to either of you that you had said it at the same time. Ja'Far began weakly stumbling out of his room, a hand held tightly to his stomach. Blood slowly dripped down his mouth as he coughed up blood again.


He weakly mumbled as Sharrkan rounded the corner. Sharrkan's eyes widened as he began running towards Ja'Far, just in time too, as Ja'Far could no longer sustain his weight and fell to his knees. Sharrkan picked Ja'Far up bridal style and began running to the medical block.

"Yamraiha! {Spelling help please} Yamraiha!"

Sharrkan shouted as he stopped the young female from leaving the medical block. She gasped as she ushered Sharrkan into a room. He gently laid a dying Ja'Far on the bed and walked out of the room to let Yamraiha do her thing. The other generals met with Sharrkan, stopping him as he left the door. Sinbad eyed the blood on Sharrkan's shirt.

"It's...I-it's Ja'Far...."

That's all Sharrkan said, before he began telling what he saw.

{Hellooooooo reader-chan! I know I know. I'm an evil bit**. But Ja'Far is not dead! And this story certainly isn't over! I have a lot planned for this story. I hope you enjoyed it so far! Please keep reading. I assure that you'll enjoy the updates to come. And I'm going to try and update this story everyday. Thank you~!}

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