Decisions, Decisions.

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As we were finally cleared out of the airport, my whole hermit-like aura changed. With your best friends that know you to the tee, it's hard not to laugh and just always have a good time with them. 

After many wrong turns lead by Kelley, we had finally made it to her car. During this long and tiring journey, my teammates has grilled me with all types of questions. 

Where did you go?

Did you take pictures?

Why didn't you text us?

Why didn't you contact us?

What food did you eat?

What types of people did you meet?

Did you get an autograph from *insert famous person* here?

Did you bring me food?

Did you bring me anything at all?

Whenever you're feeling down or something, you can always realise Kelley to make a fool of herself to lift your spirits. 

Something I noticed was that Alex didn't really talk much. Obviously, she would put in necessary input when needed, but I know better. I know that there might not be something wrong, but that something has changed. And if you ever had a best friend, you'd know the first thing that comes in your mind would be, Is it me? 

If you ever had an Alex like best friend, then you'd also know if it was you. Because right now, she's pretty much either staring at me when I'm not looking, or completely avoiding eye-contact when I am. 

We finally reached Kelley's house and as soon as I saw the new speakers she bought, party-tobin definitely just took over. Slinging my luggage and two backpacks into the closet ensures that my things would definitely be secure.

Because I mean, when you're in a room, with a bed, why would you do the dirty deed in the closet?????

I know, I know. Smart Tobin.

Bringing out my laptop, I played a clubbing playlist, went and connected it to the speakers, then put duct tape over my computer and tries to hide as much as the charger as possible.

Play safe.

After that, I looked around to see that the girls has pretty much finished everything else. Taking out my social media, I decided to survey really how many people are actually gonna be here. 

As I see that the news of Kelley's Party is all over the internet, it must be a big party.

"Tonight we'll dance
I'll be yours and you'll be mine
We won't look back,
Take my hand and we will shine"

I looked up from my spot on the DJ Chair just to see about everyone standing in front of the speakers with a big sign: Welcome Back Tobin! We love you! 

"Oh, oh, oh
She needs a wild heart"

As everyone break into song, I couldn't help but feel emotional. Even if I had left without telling anyone for three months, these people hadn't pushed me into telling them why or even being mad at me. Instead, they had welcomed me with open arms. These girls were my family, and I honestly couldn't envision myself without them in the future. 

"BUZZZZZ!" As the horrible sound of the doorbell and knocking covered our music, we all helped set out the food, drinks etc. Making sure everything is perfect. 

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