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Chapter 1: Prologue
Hello! This is a new fiction inspired by buta-chan's –a friend of mine- Revenge is Sweet –read it!-. It's a combo of a dream, my random ideas and those AbandonedHarry fics. My updating is a little slow lately since our quarterly exams are coming up... again. It's been only two weeks since the last major exam! This is so unfair! -pout-

Summary: Harry has been ignored ever since his sister Gem was born. Both his parents favored their daughter and barely acknowledged him. The night Voldemort came to Godric's Hallow; both of his parents were out. So when old Voldie turned his wand to him, the Killing Curse rebounded towards the spell caster. Lucius saw this as a chance to gain more power, so he took Harry and placed him under the Malfoy name. And that was the birth of Aphraziel Malfoy.

Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling owns it.


By Akira Shadow


"Push Lily!" Madame Pomfrey ordered. "I see the head!" she announced to the laboring woman. "Just a bit more..."

Lily gave one final push and collapsed. She heard a baby crying and turned to look at her second child. "It's a girl," Madame Pomfrey said, looking fondly at the red-haired girl. The head-nurse handed the baby to its mother and left to fetch the worried husband.

In a matter of seconds James was beside Lily. "What are you calling her?" Madame Pomfrey asked the beaming couple.

"Gem" James pronounced with relish, "Gem Lily Potter"

"Gem?" Poppy asked, confused.

"Yes," Lily said, stoking Gem's hair, "she is to be the Gem Stone of the Wizarding World."

"Really?" Poppy asked, interested. "Why is that?"

"Sybil," James stated, "made a real prediction." Seeing Pomfrey nod, he continued, "she predicted that Gem here," he turned to his daughter. "Will rid the wizarding world of Voldemort."

For a moment Poppy was speechless then she smiled. "It looks like we have a heroine in our hands."

Both Potters nodded affirmative.

"I'm not sure about this," Lily said glancing at Gem. "Peter isn't very experienced in the art of babysitting."

"Don't worry, love." Prongs assured her. "Peter will do fine."

"Okay," Lily agreed reluctantly, "if you're sure."

"Of course, I'm sure!" James said kissing her. "Now c'mon! We're going to lose our reservation!" and he pulled his wife out of the door, leaving their two children alone with Peter.

Peter turned to look at the stairs and smirked, he pulled up his left sleeve and slowly touched the brand and winced. It hurt...

There was a pop from the outside and a soft knock on the door. Peter hurriedly opened the door since his master did not like to be kept waiting, no, no he doesn't like it one bit. The door cracked open and Voldemort stepped in, Lucius hot on his heels.

"Master," Peter said, choosing his word carefully, master easily got offended. "Why is Malfoy here?"

Lucius smirked and Voldemort sneered at Wormtail. "I want someone competent to witness my work." Peter bristled and Lucius smiled.

"Bu...but master!" there was a definite whine in his voice.

"Enough!" Voldemort snapped.

"Yes master..."

"Now show me where the two brats are." The Dark Lord ordered.

Peter nodded meekly and led the two stronger men upstairs. They went into the nursery and found the two children sleeping. "Which one's the boy?" Voldemort demanded.

"him sir," Wormtail pointed to the blue crib. Then he began hesitantly, "why him? He is nothing but an ordinary boy."

Voldemort laughed. "That old fool Dumbledore actually thought that this girl," he sneered at the small inhabitant of the pink crib. "Is the savior of the wizarding world." he scoffed. "But no..." he trailed of thoughtfully. "The boy shall be my demise," he said looking straight at Harry, "no, I will destroy you before you even have a chance of facing me." He raised his wad and said, "Goodbye Potter. Avada Kedavra!"

The green energy blasted through the yew wand and flew towards Harry. The two DeathEaters watched as bright silver light enveloped Harry and rebounded the Killing Curse back to Voldemort. They heard a great cry of anguish and saw that Voldemort was nothing but a pile of black ash

Both adults turned to the green-eyed boy, astonished. A mere baby defeated the most powerful wizard of their time. How odd... Suddenly Lucius got a spectacular –for him it is- idea. He scooped up the little boy and turned to Peter. "Tell the Potters that the child disappeared out of thin air. It's very common." Seeing Peter's stare he added, "or else..." That did it 'cause peter nodded fearfully.

Lucius exited the quite house and apparated to Malfoy Manor.

That was the last time anybody saw Harry Potter.


The prologue done. Please review!

P.S. A Hunt for a Hunter will be updated shortly.


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