Chapter 3

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My disclaimer applies.

Chapter 3- The Start of the Journey
4 Years Later... (They're approximately 11 years old now.)

"Aph! Help me!" Draco called form the other side of the room. After they fully mastered the use of their training wands, they were finally allowed to get their own wands(the real ones). A decision not made well. Aphri immediately started practicing and Draco was not far behind. But the older o9f the two would immediately get bored and his naturally arrogant nature would sometimes convince him to abandon his practicing since he was already a natural anyway.

...note the sarcasm.

"You brought this upon yourself Dray," Aphrazeil replied, not even looking up from his book. "You should've practiced more."

"Don't lecture me!" his brother snapped, "I've got dad, mum and uncle Sev to do that for me! Now get your skinny little butt here before this fire burns the house down!"

The aforementioned fire was spreading quickly and was about to burn half of Draco's clothes, which simply will not do. Aphrazeil reluctantly casted the counter curse and dowsed the flame.

Draco sighed in relief when he was sure that all his designer clothes were safe. "Thanks but you could've done that earlier, you know."

"I like seeing my dear older brother in a panic."

"Shut up."

Aphri laughed.

"C'mon," Draco said once he stopped grumbling about stupid little brothers and their infinite space for knowledge. "Mother and father will be waiting for us in the dining room."

"Which one?"

"The one found in the west wing."


"Remind me again why we have such a big house that even after eleven years of living here, I still get lost in it?"

Draco answered his brother without stopping to think, "Because we are Malfoys and Malfoys have to have the best of everything. That's what father told me anyway."

"So father said that even though we don't need it as long as it's the best it's ours?"

"Yeah, that pretty much sums it up."


The west dining room was probably the biggest one in Malfoy manor. This was the one usually used for the banquets and balls their mother enjoyed throwing. So naturally both 11 year olds were wondering what the special occasion was.
They entered the dining room quietly and greeted their parents.

"Good morning father, good morning mother." they chorused.

"Good morning children." Narcissa greeted back. Their father just nodded. The two took their designated seats across from each other not at all perturbed about their father's apathy. They knew that he was almost always like this and they got used to it.

"Father," Draco started tentatively, "why are we dining here and not the north wing?"

Lucius stooped chewing and paused. He nodded at Draco approvingly. "Good Draco you noticed." He took a bite from his eggs and the two siblings waited for him to answer. "As you two know 11 is the age when children are suppose to go to a wizarding school and I believe both of you are at that age as of right now."

The two glanced at each other excitedly barely able to contain their glee.

"Does that mean we get to go to Hogwarts?" Aphri asked excitedly.

Lucius shook his head and the two boys deflated.

"So we're going to be home schooled?" Draco said unable to prevent the disappointment from seeping through his voice.

"Do not assume boys." Lucius smirked. The two boys perked and looked at their father. "You two will instead be going to Durmstrang. An old acquaintance of mine is the headmaster; he will make sure that you two will be settled in appropriately."

"Isn't Durmstrang the school where Victor Krum is studying at?" Harry said.

"Yes, I believe so." Lucius answered. "As I recall, he is the only student player in the entire quidditch league. Quite an accomplishment I say."

"So we really get to go there?" Draco confirmed, looking at Narcissa. She just smiled at him.

Lucius finished his breakfast and stood up. "Well boys, pack up. Tomorrow the two of you will be leaving first class for Bulgaria."

Draco and Aphrazeil quickly finished their breakfast and thanking their parents went back to their rooms to pack.

Lucius, the gentleman he is, helped Narcissa up and led her to their room by the hand. Narcissa followed her husband, glancing at the door her boys left through. "Lucius are you sure about this? Bulgaria is awfully far away..."

"Don't worry 'Cissa, I'm sure they'll be fine. Besides, the Potters are teaching in Hogwarts and I'm afraid Aphrazeil is too young to face them."

"You're right. But I worry when he will."

"As do I, 'Cissa."

They boarded the BulgarianExpress with little trouble except for the smothering kisses Narcissa decided they should receive before leaving.
"Mum!" Draco complained. "We're big boys now!"

Narcissa laughed as her oldest son stomped his foot like a child having a tantrum. "Yes," she answered, "but you're my big boys." She gave them both a last kiss on each cheek before deciding that they had had enough kisses to last them till Christmas. The boys shook their father's hand before boarding the train, waving goodbye to their parents. Narcissa waved back while Lucius nodded at them, clearly proud that his two sons were about to start formal education.

Aphrazeil and Draco relaxed on their seats when they couldn't see their parents anymore.

"Can you believe it Drake?" Aphri asked, suddenly breathless. "Our first time alone... without mum or dad."

"I can hardly believe it myself Aph," his older brother answered. "Never honestly thought mum would ever let us go."

Aphrazeil laughed and settled on his seat. "Yeah. I thought she was going to drag us back to the manor the way she was acting."

Draco opened his pouch and took out some galleons his father gave him for their trip. "Want something to eat? I think I saw some lady selling some sweets at the front."

Aphri held his stomach and nodded. "Okay. Didn't get much to eat anyway. Was too busy thinking of Durmstrang to care."

"Everything's going to be so wicked once we get there." Draco mused, as he stood up. "Since father's an old friend of the headmaster, we get our own dorm room. The only bad side is we don't get to see Blaise, Greg and Vincent."

"Hmmm." Aphrazeil place his hand on his chin as he followed his brother out of the compartment. "What about Pansy? Aren't you gonna miss her? I'm sure she'll miss you."

Draco gagged. "Please don't remind me. Remember when she found out? She flooed straight to my room and clung to my arm. I had to burn the robes and I really liked that set." He sight mournfully.

Aphri laughed. "Me thinks, she thinks that she's going to be the future Mrs. Draco Malfoy."

"Urgh!" the older shivered. "Never ever put that image in my head ever again! I would much rather kiss a troll than marry her!"

They reached the trolley and got a bit everything for the long ride. The lady even gave them a few extra cauldron cakes once she saw how short Aphrazeil was. Draco laughed when the lady commented on this. Aphri hated it when people called him short. It wasn't his fault he was vertically challenged.

They returned to their compartment without much incident after that and began eating their treats.

Then Draco spoke. "I hope it's an interesting year." he said.

His brother nodded. "It'll suck if it was boring."

"Well I guess we'll just have to make it interesting then." smirked Draco.

Aphri smirked back.

Short. Very short but I'm working on publishing a book before graduating high school so I've been a bit busy. Sorry.

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