Chapter 5

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Chapter 5- Welcome to Hogwarts
Professor James Potter fidgeted nervously as he and the rest of the Hogwarts population waited for the foreign delegates to arrive. They had been waiting for a little under an hour and he was starting to get a cramp from standing for a long period of time.

James glanced at his daughter, who was whispering quietly to the youngest Weasley child. She didn't seem to mind waiting for the guests to arrive, it actually seemed as if she was excited and their perpetual lateness merely added a layer to their mysterious effect.

He caught a few words, considering how close he stood to his daughter.

Cute boy... I wonder... going to be coming... can't wait... new people... foreign boys...

James grimaced as he tuned out the girls' chattering. He did not want to hear about those things, especially if it was his little girl talking about it.

He glanced at his wife and she seemed to as excited as their daughter, waiting impatiently for the arrival of Hogwarts' rival schools. He glanced at her features and smiled a bit dreamily but the sight of her flat belly caused a stab of disappointment to gnaw at the pit of his stomach. He knew that Lily can never get pregnant again; the medi-witch clearly stated that it will be quite a risk for her to conceive again, due to unknown circumstances. And really, as much as he wanted another child, he refused to risk the life of his beloved wife for something that didn't even have a 50 amount of a success rate.

He caught sight of Ron Weasley and his two twin brothers' blabbering about something noisily. But then again, that doesn't stop him from wishing for a son of his own...

A loud gasp that came from his daughter brought him back from his musings, and he turned sharply to ask if something was wrong. But her gaze wasn't on him but instead up at the dark starry sky.

James followed her gaze and couldn't stifle a gasp himself. Flying, or rather stomping across the sky was the largest, most magnificent herd of horses he has even seen. The glittering silver steeds pulled two gigantic carriages behind them as a youth pulled at the reigns.

The students of Hogwarts automatically made way for the carriages to land. And they did, a lot more gracefully than James could ever imagine. The blonde youth jumped down from his post and hurried to the door of the first carriage. He knocked loudly and deliberately and the golden doors of the carriage swung open, nearly taking the boy's head with it. At the same time the other carriage opened and 30 or so thinly dressed teenagers stepped out. A large hand, as big as Hagrid's, came out of the first door and took the boy's offered hand, and out came a handsome looking, albeit huge, woman.

"Madame Maxime, how wonderful it is to see you again!"

Dumbledore exclaimed cheerfully, bringing Madame Maxime's large hand to a gentlemanly kiss.

"Dumble' dorr, it iz a plezure to zee you again az well." the gigantic lady replied courteously, "But vere is Karkarov?"

"Ah, he has yet to arrive."

"Oh?" Madame Maxime raised a manicure eyebrow, "But it iz already very late, are you sure he vill-"

Just then the lake rippled and a huge pirate like ship rose from its depths. The flag was of the Bulgarian quidditch team. There were shrieks and squeals as quite a number of people got splashed as it ported.

A man with a weak chin, dressed extravagantly in expensive robes strode down the ship. A group of teenagers followed him out of the ship, shedding their heavy winter clothes along the way.

"Dumbledore!" he greeted jovially, "fantastic, to zee you again!"

"Igor!" Dumbledore greeted just as cheerfully, "I could say the same thing to you, old friend."

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