Chapter 4

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I don't own Harry Potter.

Chapter 4- Everything in Between
Professor Lily Potter stared unblinkingly at the first years gathered in front of the Great Hall, waiting to be sorted. For some unknown reason something tugged at the strings of heart, like there was something wrong with the first years this year. Like something was missing. James, her beloved husband, stared questioningly at her but she hardly noticed. It was close to the feeling she gets when her 10 year old daughter was in trouble. But this time, it was directed at the first years, strangely enough.

She hardly noticed the Hat's song and continued to stare at the nervous children. Seeing them walk in front of a Hall filled with people, getting sorted, just like every other year, did nothing to calm her rattled nerves.

What's wrong? she thought to herself, Why am I feeling strange?

Lily was startled out of her daze when James clapped loudly when Neville Longbottom was sorted into Gryffindor.

She looked at her godson, who was clambering to a seat beside the Weasley twins and smiled at him when he glanced at her direction. She saw him beam back and regain some of his confidence.

Next year it would be Gem's face beaming back at her. Next year, her baby girl would be all grown up and attending Hogwarts. But that was next year. Why was she feeling so fretful this year?

Aphri laughed as Michael Stoner tripped while attempting to imitate Krum's slightly waddle-like walk. The Bulgarian boy scowled and began cursing in his mother language.
The fifth year prefect was leading them to their dorms stopped and turned to glare at the cussing boy. Stoner had the grace to look shamed. Aphri only laughed harder and Draco was not far behind.

Classes haven't even started yet and they were already having fun.

Gem Potter waited excitedly as names were called and their respective owners got sorted. They were already at the N's and she couldn't help but fidget when they started at the O's.
What if the hat didn't put her in Gryffindor and instead placed her in another house? What if she got separated from Ginny and they wouldn't have classes together?

Her excitement was gone, replaced with nervousness.

Potter, Gem!

Her name rang through the Great Hall so loudly that she winced. Whispers began to rapidly replace the sudden silence that took residence once her name was called.

She shuffled her feet and timidly took a step forward.

There were snippets of conversations she caught, but she paid them no heed. And the last thing she saw before the Hat fell over her eyes were hundreds of different other eyes staring straight at her.

Lucius stared pensively at the black muggle diary sitting innocently at his desk. He honestly didn't know what to do with it. His old master said that he should plant it at Hogwarts when the time comes. But on the other hand, he and Narcissa had renounced their old master when they decided to adopt Aphrazeil.
Thinking of Aphrazeil made up his mind. Stalking determinedly towards his desk, he picked up the diary and threw it in the fireplace where it burned to ashes.

Peter Pettigrew was a wreck; that was for sure. After two years of searching, Auror Black has finally found the bloody traitor that sold out his best friend to the Dark Lord and nearly killed his goddaughter.
He looked like a fat man that had thinned considerably in a small amount of time. Which was probably true, considering he looked like he hadn't eaten in weeks.

His cheeks were sunken and eyes were tired, but once he spotted Sirius, positively growling at the sight of him when he arrived, they immediately widened and his body began to morph. Sirius quickly casted the spell to force him to remain human and knocked him out. He was tied up in magical ropes and quickly apparated to the ministry.

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