Obedience (Minor PruCan and UsUk)

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A bored sneeze interrupted a series of calm negotiations. Germany sent Prussia an icy glare. The message was clear as day, 'don't even think about ruining this'. The Prussian ignored him and tried to focus on something other than his itchy nose. The world meeting was boring. It had started only minutes ago and things were actually running smoothly. It would be the one time he actually came to one of these that nothing interesting would happen. Prussia sneezed again and was kicked harshly in the shins by Germany. Before the meeting even started the younger nation made it very clear that if he came today he was not to leave early or to go within ten feet of or interact with France or Spain in any way, shape, or form until after the meeting ended. So he was stuck. Of course, Germany couldn't do much to enforce these rules. Sure he could ground him or kick him out but either way, he could always stay with Matthew until his brother calmed down. Besides, Mattie had pancakes. And moose. And hockey. Maybe he would go visit Mattie after the meeting ended.

"Okay, everybody!" America shouted, "Since I'm the hero, I'll start." Ignoring the protest that followed he continued, "Okay so I saw this totally credible documentary back at my place on bringing dinosaurs back to life using really cool genetic technology and I think that we should try to-"

"Was this documentary called Jurassic Park?" Britain interrupted, "America this is a serious meeting we don't have time for your childish-"

"Shut up Britain!"

"Well, I personally disagree with both of-"

"This is off topic-"

From then on the meeting started to descend into chaos. Germany lost his temper, France, and Britain started to fight, America tried to intervene but only seemed to make the situation worse, and Russia made Latvia cry. All in all, it was a typical world meeting. Or, at least, it would have been if not for the presence of the albino ex-nation. For him, this was an opportunity to create even more chaos, for entertainment purposes. Unfortunately, before he could attempt to 'talk' to Spain he got dragged dead center into the middle of a completely pointless argument. Thanks, Francis.

"...you agree with me, right? Mon Amie." France's blue eyes were undeniably focused on him. And so were Germany's. Was he really supposed to be paying attention to all of this bullshit? Before he could even try to recall the conversation his mouth was open and he found himself asking,

"Uh, what?" Absolutely genius.

"Dude! If you're not paying attention, why are you even here?" Prussia gave the younger energetic nation a withering look. Which he completely ignored. "I mean these meetings are super boring and you don't even have to be here..." All the ex-nation heard after that was nonsensical babbling. Was he really getting lectured by a kid? And a kid he trained nonetheless. "I mean you're not technically a nation anymore..." He went rigid. Nobody, not even the world's leading military superpower could bring that up.

America, who like usual wasn't reading the atmosphere, did not notice the sudden shift in Prussia's mood. But everybody else did. A world meeting had never gotten silent so fast. They were all morbidly focused on the outcome of this impending fight. A few countries exchanged cash in the back of the room. A few countries left sensing that the meeting although not technically over was going to end abruptly very soon.

"...Angleterre," The Frenchman whispered anxiously releasing England's tie, "don't you think you should...?"

"...Probably, but I'm not going to. He's not my charge anymore." His tone was thin and uncertain. He released France's hair and adjusted his tie ignoring the bemused look on the other's face.

"Could it be you want to nurse him back to health after Gilbert tries to kill him?"

"...Shut up git."

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