Bruderlein (Germany and Prussia)

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Note: Not Germancest but you can read it and interpret it however you want.

Gilbert had always liked the snow. He found watching the tiny pieces of the heavens fall from the sky onto the blanketed Earth mesmerizing. It covered the dead land like the layers of silky white fabric in a priest's holy robe. His people never saw it as something holy, though. They saw winter as a curse that smothered the crops in an icy blanket. But to him, it was clean and pure. It wiped the land clean of the sins of the previous year and brought forth a new start with a clean slate.

"Bruder! You're back!" A new start. Ludwig's gleeful voice rang across the courtyard, and next thing he felt was the crashing warmth of his brother enthusiastically jumping into his arms. "Bruder I missed you, why did you have to go so long?"

"I'm sorry Lutz," The Prussian laughed, "I was busy fighting off Austria." A pang of guilt hit him when he thought back to how many times he had used the same lame excuse. Hell, in his mind it wasn't even an acceptable excuse for not being with his little brother. If he had his choice he would be there every day with Ludwig. He could only hope Ludwig knew that too.

"Did you win?"

"'Did I win?' Of course I did the awesome Prussia never loses to prissy aristocrats." Ludwig giggled and clung tightly to his brother. Smile disappearing slightly he asked,

"You'll have to leave again soon won't you?" He tried and failed to suppress the visible cringe at Ludwig's words. Unable to bring himself to speak again, to repeat the same excuse he used every single time he left, he nodded. For what seemed to be an eternity both nations were silent. Once again, Gilbert found himself being hypnotized by the falling snow.

"It's okay," Ludwig assured him, "you'll win and then you'll come back again, right?" He nodded again,"And maybe if you keep winning you can come back forever." A wry smile crossed the Prussian's face. His brother still had a lot to learn as a nation. Winning a war only brought more war, the only way to avoid war was to lose until there's nothing left to lose. And he wasn't going to lose. Not now, not ever. He felt his brother's lightly trembling form tighten his grip on him,

"Hey Lutz let's go in,"

"No!" He cried stubbornly, "I mean...We don't have to do we?" He shook his head flabbergasted,

"No we don't, but why do you want to stay out here so badly? Aren't you cold?" Ludwig shook his head 'no' earning a dry chuckle from his brother. He turned his attention back to the steel gray sky for a moment wishing the clouds and snow would disperse so the sun would come out and make everything warmer, "What's the real reason you don't want to go in Lutz?" For a long moment, where the world seemed to hold it's breath he thought Ludwig wouldn't respond.

"Once we go in they'll make you start working and then I won't be able to see you again." Ludwig's small voice was barely above a whisper, the older nation's grip unconsciously tightened around his brother.

"Well then I'll just have to tell them no," The nation announced surprising himself. He turned towards his equally surprised younger brother who for a moment could only stare back in shock before a huge grin that warmed him like the sun spread over his previously clouded face.


"Yeah, of course, some lame humans can't tell the awesome Prussia what to do," Ludwig laughed at his brother's unintentionally hilarious declaration causing the other nation to pout playfully, "Today we can do whatever you want like go hunting, wait on second thought we can't do that. Too cold, uh, we can..."

"Read stories?" Ludwig exclaimed excitedly blushing a bit. He didn't want to sound childish or 'un-awesome' in front of his older brother. Unable to see his brother's expression Ludwig waited in a tense silence that only lasted a fraction of a second. Gilbert, on the other hand, was grinning,

"Sounds awesome Lutz,"


"Y'know you ask that a lot," He laughed, "yeah, really it sounds like fun. We can sit in the library in the big chair like we used to and we can take turns reading stories until you fall asleep,"

"Or until you fall asleep," Ludwig corrected, Gilbert feigned mock hurt,

"The awesome Prussia can't fall asleep on his little brother. That would be totally un-awesome, besides if I did that who would tuck you in?"

"I can tuck myself in," Ludwig pointed out, "I'm not a baby." Gilbert ruffled Ludwig's neatly combed blonde locks playfully,

"I know you're not a baby anymore Lutz, just remember no matter how old you get I'll still be your older brother, okay bruderlein?" Ludwig nodded soundlessly, "Let's go in now you're shaking like a leaf,"

"So are you," Ludwig pointed out,

"Yeah, like an awesome leaf,"

"How can a leaf be awesome?"

"If it's on my awesome head!" Ludwig furrowed his brow,

"That doesn't make sense bruder,"

"Doesn't have to, know why?"

"...Because you're awesome,"

"Because I'm awesome!" Gilbert blinked surprised,

"Hey, we said it at the same time!" Ludwig laughed, "Y'know Lutz you're pretty awesome too."

"Real...I mean, I am?" Gilbert had to smile at that.

"Yeah, and one day you're going to be even more awesome than me," Sparing one last glance at the falling crystals Gilbert carried Ludwig back inside. Not even bothering to check in with his bosses he went straight to the library where they both sunk into the large leather chair.


Bruder (German): Brother

Bruderlein (German): Little brother

Correct me if there are any mistranslations.

I hope you enjoyed this short one shot. I always thought the brotherly relationship between these two was adorable. This wasn't really supposed to be a Germancest-y fic but you can interpret it however you want but I probably will write some Germancest fics in the future. If you liked it vote and/or comment I'm open to any constructive criticism. Thanks for reading! 

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