The "Late" Game (Germany and Prussia)

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Routine above everything (except for maybe cleanliness) was the most important aspect of life in the Germanic household while Ludwig was growing up. Without it, he thought--no he knew that everything would descend into chaos. And the thought of a more chaotic Prussia scared the living hell out of him. Literally. It seemed like the only semblance of proof that the two of them were siblings--

Hell, maybe even the only proof that the two of them were related was their mutual agreement on the importance of strict order and routine. That's why every morning at precisely seven-thirty a.m. both brothers would step out the door into the hallway to get ready in the morning and why at eight o'clock sharp both would be in Prussia's study neck deep in books ranging from Roman and Greek myths to political theory.

Unfortunately, he did seem to share one other trait with his older brother. Competitiveness. An almost compulsive need to win and be at the very top of his game that had been a nagging presence at the back of his mind coaching him on for as long as he could remember. And that was why every morning Monday through Friday at exactly eight o'clock when he arrived in his older brothers study on time only to hear a loud and mocking voice shout, "You're late!" it rubbed him the wrong way. Of course, he wasn't really late his brother just always seemed to arrive before him every day despite them waking up at the same time. It really, really bugged him. But today would be different. He had woken up five minutes earlier than Prussia and this time, he wouldn't be the second person in the room.

Unlike his brother Ludwig seemed to carry some sense of maturity (god only knows where he got it from) despite his young age so shouting, "You're late!" was out of the question. But that didn't mean he wouldn't relish in the fact that his brother would walk in and see him studying and wipe that all-knowing arrogant smirk off of his face.


Prussia would burst in through the heavy double doors only to see Ludwig holding his thick latin textbook in hand sitting at his small meticulously organized desk with a deceivingly angelic smile.

"Hello, Brother, lovely day for studying isn't it?"


A grin almost indistinguishable from his brothers spread across Ludwig's young features. He was going to win. And he was absolutely giddy. Somehow managing to keep his soldier-esque diligence and efficiency he got ready and at seven fifty-five he was racing through the halls to Prussia's study and swinging open the large oak doors with an uncharacteristically child-like vigor.

"Mornin' lil Brother, you're late!" This just wasn't fair. "Glad to see you're so enthusiastic about today's lesson, though." The grin melted from his face before he could stop it. Seeing this the Prussian smirked, "Well little Brother you'll have to do better than that to beat your totally awesome, superior, best big-"

"Can we just get to the lesson now?" Ludwig interrupted.


For the next week instead of launching another attempt Ludwig suffered through his brother yelling, "You're late!" Every single time he walked through the study door. Why? Because his brother was probably counting on him getting impatient launching his next "attack". But no he would wait, no matter how irritated he might be at the thought of "losing" it would all be worth it in the end.


"Hello Brother," Ludwig greeted a bright and triumphant grin spread across his normally cool and impassive features.

"When did you...?"

"Oh, don't worry I haven't been waiting long."


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