Cupcakes and Catastrophes (2pFem!FrUk)

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The sickly sweet odor of nicotine and sugar hung heavily in the warm kitchen air. Olivia Kirkland danced around the kitchen stirring neon colored batters while in the corner, Francesca reclined against the counter a cigarette dangling lazily from her full ruby lips violet eyes watching the redhead with a detached disinterest.

"Oh, come on just one cupcake won't hurt." Francesca rolled her violet eyes.

"Maybe normally but every idiot, even Emily, knows to avoid your toxique cooking." She didn't miss the other girls face twitch dangerously before changing back almost immediately, her smile bright and unwavering. Almost as if painted on.

Her cerulean eyes practically glowed.

"C'mon poppet," She sang, "it's just one cupcake..." her tone was as mellifluous as the magenta pastry she was holding, which only served to make the girl sound more unhinged. Francesca remained static with her decision. She began to idly twist a loose golden curl while taking a long drag from her cigarette.


Carmine eyes watched as the curling gray wisps of smoke swirl delicately from Francesca's lips and slowly dissipate into the air around her. The smell made her throat itch. She wrinkled her nose disdainfully.

"Come on poppet," Her tone became thin, "it's just one cupcake."

Francesca flicked the ash off of the still burning rod before tossing the filter in the trash.

Before she could respond she felt the sugary (and possibly deadly) treat being forced into her mouth, "It's made with love so EAT IT." Francesca gagged as the treat was forced down her throat. She eventually bit down only to feel something hard and metallic. She choked praying to all the gods she could think of (and a few others) that this was not another razor blade while she coughed up the small metal object. Thankfully, it was not a razor.

A ring?

"Do you like it poppet?"

"You're insane," Francesca said simply, her voice hoarse, before rinsing off and examining the ring.

"All the best people are," 

Authors Note: Short and kind of pointless (these all are really) but I just like this ship. And the 2ps in general. Thanks for reading!

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