CH. 18

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Greeting to all readers!

This chapter is basically all fluff, but I think everybody likes some of that here and there, wouldn't you agree? 

This song is Photograph by Ed Sheeran and I hope you enjoy!

Please read and review!


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Gwen awoke feverish, out of breath. 

"It was only a dream, only a dream," Gwen whispered over and over to herself, her hands wrapped around her knees as she rocked back and forth. 

But she couldn't get the sound of Peter's mangled screams and the images of his tortured body out of her head. They way the Green Goblin had let off a menacing laugh as a spark of green light exploded- he looked like he had in the newspaper, but even more frightening. Oscorp was shining in the distance, the glass dark and leaving a foreboding impression.

What if that actually happened? Sure, he was Spiderman, but that didn't make him invincible. Gwen knew everytime he put on his mask there was a chance she'd never see him again. What if he did die? What would she do?

Gwen finally managed to calm herself down, but couldn't stop the feelings of fear that crossed her mind. Tears starting to pool in her eyes, but she hastilty wiped them away. She wanted Peter to be here, with her, right now. He would be able to whisper reassuring wors in her ear, and hug and kiss her until she finally felt better.

She laid down and tried to sleep again, but Peter's pained face kept forcing itself into her mind, until she couldn't take it anymore. She stole a glance at the clock. 

12:47 PM

Gwen knew there was no chance of her sleeping now, but it was basically one o'clock in the morning. What else was she supposed to do? There was only one person she wanted to talk to, but he was either fast asleep or out fighting criminals at this hour. She hoped it wasn't the latter.

Sighing, she grabbed her phone of her nightstand, and without hesitating for another second, called Peter. 

Ring...Ring....Ring....Ring..... Gwen sighed. She knew it was a slim chance he would anwser the call, afterall, everyone in their right mind was in bed.

But just as she was about to end the call, he answered, "Hello?" The voice was groggy and obviously had just been waken up, but it was still him.

"Peter?" Gwen whispered through the phone. Her voice was shaky and didn't sound at all like her own, normally strong voice. There was a strong sense of fear in it. "I'm sorry I woke you up, it's just, I had a really bad nightmare where you died and I woke up feeling really frightened, and I really needed someone to talk to-"

And suddenly she broke out into uncontrollable sobs. 

"Hey, hey, hey, Gwen, don't cry. I'm here, okay? I won't die, I will never leave you," Peter said, his voice no longer sounding tired. "Please, don't cry."

She wiped her eyes, "Thanks so much for being there, Peter. I love you."

"I love you too. Do you want me to come over there?" 

"No," Gwen said, sighing. "Peter, you don't have to do that. Really."

"Gwen, it would take less than five minutes, seriously. I could come over right now." Peter said sincerely. 

She laughed, "I know but do you know how concerned my mother would be if you randomly showed up in my room at one in the morning?"

He thought about it before finally saying, "Well, I guess you have a point there...."

"Of course I do, bug-boy." Gwen with mock-seriousness. 

"Yeah well, if you need anything else, no matter what time it is, don't hesitate to call me, alright?" Peter said.

"Okay, yeah, I won't." 

"I love you, sweet dreams, Gwen." Peter said affectionetly. 

Gwen smiles, "I love you, sleep soundly, Peter."

When she hung up, she know longer felt scared. Talking to Peter had almost been a cure, she constantly was feeling safe in his arms, or simply when she heard his voice.

She laid down on her bed and snuggled up under her blanket, and managed to fall asleep peacefully, without a trace of fear in her mind. 

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