CH. 31

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So this is my last chapter :/. But don't worry too much, because an epilogue will be coming soon.          It will actually probably come later today because it's a Saturday afternoon and we have like six inches of snow outside so I really have nothing else to do but write. 

I hope you guys like this chapter!

This song is What About Angels by Birdy, which you will most likely recognize if you have seen The Fault in our Stars *tear*.

Please read and review, like always!


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1 month later

"I've had a great four years with you, and I'll miss you all very much," Gwen said as the audience applauded. It was graduation day, and Gwen had just finished giving her speech. Then the principal began calling out names for diplomas, but all Gwen could stare at was the empty seat in the middle of the large audience.


The principal called his name twice, but he didn't come up. Gwen only frowned and looked down. Ever since the arresting of the Goblin, Peter had been so distant lately. It almost seemed like he was avoiding her.

"Mary Jane Watson." MJ made her way to the stage and shook Gwen's hand. She gave her friend a questioning look but Gwen shook her head.

Mj was the last name to be called and Gwen went down to greet her parents and brothers. "Oh, honey, I'm so proud of you!" Her mother exclaimed as she embraced her daughter. 

Gwen smiled, "Thanks mom." As Gwen and her mom exchanged conversation, Aunt May came up to Gwen.

"That was a wonderful speech, dear," She hugged Gwen as well. "You wouldn't happen to know where my nephew is, do you?"

But Gwen shook her head, "He told me he was going to be here, but...."

Aunt May nodded, "Yes, well, I suppose I better return home. Tell him to come straight home if you see him"

"Of course," Gwen nodded.

As Aunt May walked away, Gwen heard a voice behind her, "Well that was some speech, valedictorian." Gwen turned around to see MJ.

She smiled, "Why thank you," she said and hugged her best friend. 

Mj looked around and sighed, "Where's Peter?"

Gwen shrugged, "I literally have no clue whatsoever."

"What's up with that boy?" Mj said. "He was with you basically every second when you had the cancer, and now that it'xs gone he seems to be nowhere!"

 Gwen sighed, "I know, I know. I'm going to call and try talking to him later." 

Mj nodded, "I'm going to miss you so much. Promise we'll keep in touch?" 

Smiling, Gwen said, "Of course. And when you're Hollywood's top actress be sure to remember me."

Mj laughed, "It would be impossible to forget you." Then she looked at something behind Gwen and said, "Well look who it is."

Gwen turned around and there was Peter standing behind her. She turned back to MJ, "I'll call you, before leaving for England."

Mj nodded "Yeah." She gave her friend one last hug before leaving. Gwen turned back to Peter.

"Hey, Gwen," Peter said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Where have you been?" She asked, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"I'm so sorry I missed your speech it's just-"

"Oh, come on!" Gwen exclaimed. "I mean this entire month you've been purposelly avoiding me and missisng my calls. Peter, I thought you loved me."

"I do, Gwen, it's just...."

"Just what, Peter?"

When he didn't anwser, Gwen looked down and quietly said, "Why can't you just talk to me? What did I do?"

"Gwen, it's just I don't want you getting hurt-"

"Oh, so that's what all of this stupid crap is about!" Gwen said. "So you're avoiding me because you don't want me getting hurt!"

Peter stopped her, "The whole reason the Goblin pretended your cancer was because of me! And you would be dead right now if you hadn't of had the appointment, all because of me!"

"No, Peter. It wasn't you. Last time i checked you weren't the person who continued injecting me with "medicine." She continued, "Peter, you were the one who figured out the Goblin's plan. If you hadn't, then I would still be going to that hospital. Why can't you grasp that?"

"I can't lose you, Gwen," Peter said queitly. 

Gwen moved closer to him, "And you won't, Peter. I just need you to be there for me. Can't you do that?

"But what about the promise-" But Gwen cut him off.

She rolled her eyes, "Seriously? You're going back to that? I thought we had decided we were better together." She paused and looks down, "Peter, if we hadn't of been together then I would have kept going to the hospital, and I wouldn't be here."

Peter didn't say anything. He just looked down, avoiding her eye contact.

Gwen looked at him one last time before shaking her head and turning around. Then she felt a familiar tugging at her lower back and a force twirled her until she landed in Peter's arms.  She looked down and saw the force had been one of Peter' s webs. Surprised, she glanced around but no one else seemed to be looking at the couple.

Peter pulled her close and rested his lips against hers. Gwen instincively wrapped her arms around his neck as he positioned hers around her waist. Gasping for air, they both pulled back. Gwen looked up at Peter, "I'm sensing some deja vu here."

He smiled, "What makes you say that?"

Gwen only laughed. "Gwen?" 


"I want to anwser your comment from earlier."

"Um...okay," Gwen said, confused.

"I will always love you. Even when we seem distant and I'm not always with you, I will still love you." Peter said. "And don't ever think otherwise."

"Oh, Peter," Gwen said. "I will always love you too."

He kissed her again and began pulling her closer, "So when do we leave for England?"

"Peter?" Gwen said, shock covering her features. "You mean..."

He smiled, "Yep, I'm going to Oxford. With you."

Gwen smiled and began to hug Peter closer to her as he wrapped his arms around her and rested his head on her shoulder. 

This moment, right here, was perfect. This was the moment Peter wanted to live forever in. He knew Spiderman was going to have more problems, and danger would always be around the corner. But for this moment, right here, right now, everything was the way he wanted it to be.

He wanted this moment to be the one that lasted forever. The one that was framed into his memory and never left. 

And he knew that with Gwen by his side through it all, it would last forever. 

Because there really was no limit on love. 

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