Chapter Three

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(***Johnnie's POV***)

"Okay, cut the bullshit, what do you want?" the girl blurted out, sounding angry but still never looked at me.

"W-well nothing, I-I just wanted to talk to you but I'm sorry, I'll just leave you alone," I responded trying not to sound hurt but really I was.

I started walking away until she said, "no wait, I'm sorry I just-" she stopped talking when I turned around and her dark green eyes grew huge when she realized who I was. I laughed at her reaction and walked back next to her.

"Well hey," I said, smiling.

"I'm Johnnie Guilbert."


When I said that, the girl fell to the floor, and started shaking. I was shocked at her reaction. Usually people would scream when they see me or run up and give me hugs and ask for pictures but I never expected seeing me would trigger something.

I quickly went down to her level and rubbed her shaking back in hopes that it would calm her down but that didn't do any help and I worried she was gonna black out so I grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialed 911.

"Yes, can I help you?" a female voice asked me.

"My friend is on the ground shaking very badly," I responded with panic in my voice.

"I'll send an ambulance right now, what's the address of where you are?" she asked me.

"Uh...." I looked at the store and saw the address printed neatly on the glass door. I gave her the address and she told me an ambulance is on they're way but to try and get her to calm down and control her breathing and that's what I tried.

"Calm down, It'll be alright, I promise," I said trying to comfort her and I held her hand.

"Make it stop," she cried while curling up in a shaking ball.

"Don't worry, I'm right here," I told her assuringly.

She looked up at me with tears rolling down her fragile face and I did the honor of whipping them away and she gave me a small smile.

The ambulance finally arrived and they picked her up from the ground and tied her up in an ambulance stretcher and they put her inside the truck. I got inside with her and explained what happen. The people in the ambulance told me she had a severe panic attack but everything else was okay.

I let out a breath of relief and pulled out my phone, calling Bryan, and telling him what happen.

"Dude, where the hell are you?!" Bryan yells into his phone. "The meet and greet starts in 20 minutes and we still have to get ready!

"I know but I met this girl-"

"You better not be cheating on Alex," Bryan interrupts. "Or I'll beat your ass."

"Calm down Bryan, you know I would never do that," I rub my neck. "As I was saying, the girl was a fan but I think I triggered a panic attack when I told her who I was so this whole thing was kinda my fault so the least I could do is join her in the hospital."

"Fine," Bryan responds sighing. "I'll pick you up and any other girl you decide to bring along." I can hear the sarcasm in his voice.

I rolled my eyes and hung up without saying bye and I put my phone back in my pocket. I looked at the girl and smiled to myself. She looked very peaceful while she slept and I held back the urge to push her hair from her face and put in behind her ear. I can't believe I still don't know her name.

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