Chapter Five

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(***Johnnie's POV***)

"I can't believe she just ran away!" I yell at Bryan while pacing across the room.

Right now I'm back at our apartment, after trying to find the girl for over an hour, and I'm really stressed out.

"Did you do or say anything that made her run away?" Bryan asked while grabbing my hand to get me to sit down

"I told you I didn't fucking do anything Bryan" I yelled at him while yanking my hand from his grip.

"Geez I was just asking, sorry," Bryan told me defensively.

I flopped down on the couch and buried my face in the pillow.

"Um Johnnie?" Bryan asked, while hitting me so I will look at him.

"What?" I mumbled, getting up and looking at him.

"I know this isn't a good time but you should still see this," Bryan said and gave me his phone that was opened up on twitter.

I saw something very disturbing- @meghvnmvie "You're just using Kyle to get famous, you don't deserve him. You should just go kill yourself already."

"What the fuck, who would write something like that!?" I angrily asked Bryan.

Recently, Kyle made it public that he was dating Meghan but there's a lot of death threats and hate going around.

Well, this is great. People are tormenting Meghan and Kyle AND that girl is missing. She could have gotten kidnapped for all I know!

"I don't know man but there's a lot of that," Bryan told me with a worried look on his face.

I quickly took out my phone and went on twitter to see more people telling Kyle and Meghan to kill themselves and sending lot's more hate.

I closed twitter and texted Kyle- "I'm so sorry about what's happening with you and Meghan, I didn't know the Kyeforce would act like this."

I clicked send and went back on twitter to see more and more death threats to Kyle and Meghan.

"HOLY SHIT MDE GOT HACKED!" Bryan yelled and showed me what the hacker had tweeted-

-Austin should just kill himself already-

My eyes grew big and I quickly went back on twitter and deleted the tweet.

"Well fuck, who hacked us?" I asked Bryan.

"I don't know but I guess it's time to change our passwords," Bryan responded and started thinking of a new password to put down.

I sighed and got up from the couch and walked to my room and shut the door. I threw myself on my bed and curled up in a ball to try and calm myself down.

A couple of minutes later, I got a notification from twitter saying that Kyle tweeted something so I went to see what it was and it said.

"I shouldn't have to get a txt from a close friend apologizing for me getting death threats towards me." He was referring about me.

A couple minutes later Kyle again tweeted "I've only seen hate towards me. I can't stand it. I didn't do anything wrong, all I did was love."

I logged off twitter and texted Kyle saying that he should take a break from the internet and comfort Meghan since she's also getting a lot of abuse.

He responded a minute later agreeing so I laid my phone back down and decided to go watch TV to get my mind off things.

Right when I sat down on the couch, my mind started blowing up with thoughts and most of them were about that girl and lately, I can't seem to get my mind off her.

"Just shut the fuck up," I yelled at myself.

I tried to ignore the rest of my thoughts and turned on the TV which was on the late night news.

Right before I changed the channel, the news reporting said, "Just a few hours ago, two young girls reported 5 mysterious teenagers get out of a black van. The girls took a video which we will now play."

I watched closely at the terribly recorded video by the girls who probably recorded on their phones.

I saw a girl take a corner unknowingly that that's where the guys were hiding.

A few minutes later, the guys came out of their hiding spot and ran back to their van while holding a big black bag that probably has the kidnapped girl and I stood up from the couch and went closer to the TV to get a better look.

As the guys loaded themselves into the van, I saw one of them strangely take the bag off her head.

"What the hell Hunter? You're not supposed to take the bag off her! Are you really this stupid?" one of the guys who I'm guessing is the leader yelled at "Hunter."

I'm now 1 inch away from the TV, staring at the about to be kidnaped girl and squinted my eyes to take a good look at her face.

I see her long dark red hair and dark green eyes since the camera zoomed in on her and I nearly screamed when I realized who she was.

I covered my mouth and burst into tears while collapsing on the floor.

I heard someone run into the room which is probably Bryan and sit down next to me and worryingly asked, "What's wrong?" But I ignored him and I continue crying.

"Calm down Johnnie, I'll be okay, you're starting to shake man you need to stay calm," Bryan tells me while rubbing my back.

"T-they t-took h-her," I managed to choke out while more tears streamed down my face.

"Who took who?" Bryan asked while taking my hands off my face and making me look at him.

I slowly lifted my head up and looked at him with teary eyes and my eyeliner now staining my face.

"S-she g-got k-kidnapped," I choke out, "The g-girl I m-met."

Bryan looked at me sympathetic and said, "I'm so sorry man, but why are you breaking down crying over someone you barely even know? Besides, you're dating Alex."

That made me cry even harder and yank my hands away from Bryan's grip and continue sobbing on the floor.

"I d-dont k-know B-Bryan," my voice cracked and I continue sobbing into my hands.

I don't know why I'm breaking down on the floor crying about a girl I don't even know.

I don't know why I like her so much when I'm already dating Alex.

I don't know why I feel so shy when I'm around her.

I don't know why I feel so attracted to her.

I don't know if I have feelings for her.

But there's one thing I really wish I knew;

Her name.

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