Chapter Nine

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It's been at least a day since I've seen Nick. After he raped me, I was left chained to the bed, half naked, but I don't really remember what happened after. I was in and out of consciousness during that time but all I do know is that someone else came into the room and unchained me.

I'm starting to think everyone abandoned me because no one has checked on me to see if I'm still here. I'm still unchained but I don't have the energy to get up. I stare off into space and wonder what Johnnie's doing right now. Probably still going on with his life, making videos, doing YouNows, skyping Alex, and just having fun. I still don't know why he even bothered with me. First, acting all shy, bringing me to the hospital, to the meet and greet, bringing me his apartment, and then on a walk! I doubt he's ever done that to a fan. So why me? What's so different about me? Why did he do all those things? What's so special about me? All my thoughts are swirling around in my head like a tornado. My head is pounding and just I was about to pass out, I hear the voices start.

He was faking. My mind wanders into another world when I hear "the voices." I no longer have control of my thoughts and sense of my surroundings.

'Why?' I ask myself. 'Why?' I feel like I'm being sucked underwater, suffocating, but you can't die. I see myself slowly sinking as I start to panic. I try to swim back up but I feel hands grabbing me and pulling me back under. I imagine my lungs screaming for air, crying out, as my legs and arms thrash around wildly. The water pushes down on me from all sides and the more I struggle, the more disoriented I get. Up, down, left, right, nothing makes sense anymore. I feel my lungs burn for more air and even though I know I would get none, I still take a breath. I feel cold water enter my lungs and the panic I had slowly fades away to numbness. My heart beat starts to slow down and I feel oddly calm until my vision is replaced by darkness.

I snap open my eyes and sit straight up. I feel sweat dripping down my forehead and my heart beating incredibly fast. I hear someone clear their throat and I turn my head a little too quickly when dots blind my vision. "Chill," I hear a male voice say. My vision clears up and I see a guy with long black hair, a lip piercing, wearing a leather jacket and a beanie, staring at me with a look of concern in his eyes. As soon as he sees me staring at him, the concern quickly flashes away.

"I brought you this," he motions to the plate filled with pancakes in his hands. "I'm Hunter by the way." I stare at the plate of pancakes and my stomach rumbles with hunger. I know I really want to eat but I promised myself that I couldn't until I reach my weight goal. "You're already really skinny, if you don't eat, you're going to die." I roll my eyes as I carefully lay back down and hoped that my headache will go away soon. He sets the plate down on the desk next to the bed. "You should be down on your knees thanking me cause I went through all the trouble of making this when I could have easily let you starve!" He raises his voice a bit and I flinch when he grabs the plate and smashes it against the wall, the pancakes falling on the ground and the syrup staining the floor. "Fucking ungrateful brat!" he sneers as he grabs a handful of my hair and yanks me off the bed. I look up at him, terrified, as he brings his hand up and I shut my eyes and wait for the pain to come, but it never does. I hesitantly open my eyes and I see a horrified look on his face. He lets go of my hair and I fall back down on the bed. I let a few tears slip and back away from him. He tries to say something but his mouth won't let him form the words. "I-I," before he could finish what he was saying, I burst out crying as I cover my face with my hands and bury my head between my legs. He tries to rub my back in order to comfort me but I flinch when he touches me. "Don't touch me!" I yell and continue sobbing in my legs.

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