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Lucy's POV

The hairs on my back suddenly stood on end, something's wrong... Very wrong. A feeling of dread washes over my face as if an impending doom is approaching, causing my face to go pale. "Lucy are you alright"? Mira looks at me questionably.
A sudden flash of light illuminated the guild hall, a man wearing a blue jacket and a fur coat and blue jeans, and dress shoes appeared, I also noticed the tail and ears, then I knew who it was. " Lupus you very rarely appear in your human form, let alone revealing your self to humans not of wolf decent. So what is wrong, why are you here?" I cock my head with a look of worry.
He looks around the guild then back at me, "Lucy they are holding off on doing the alpha tournament for a full year, so my fellow wolf elders have devised a plan to call for the wizards that are left of each of our bloodlines, as you know you are my descendent threw your mother. All of us are to meet at the lunar grounds before the next full moon, you must be there by tomorrow because you are next in line as alpha. The wolf clans are being rebuilt and if was breaks out we must be ready." Are eyes lock as shock comes over my face suddenly, "So you mean to say that war my possibly break out if hellhounds do not get there way, I understand... So I should assume we are leaving to night?"
"We leave as soon as the sun sets and you should expect at the very least one decendent from each bloodline." An with that I look at my guild members yet again. "Farewell my nakame and if I'm lucky I might see some of you there." With that everyone in the guild says good-bye to us and we leave the guild to head to my apartment. "So what elements should I be expecting?" I turn around and walk backwards looking at my great grandfather who didn't look a day over thirty. "You should be expecting wolves of the ice, water, fire, earth, lightning, soul, demon, angel, blood, poison, and fairy, you are related to the descendants of angel, fairy, and blood. They are your distant cousins though the blood decendent is closest related to you." He smiled as he says that. "So what exactly do you mean by angel and demon elements?" I cock my head sideways at him. "The demon element makes things decay and control death in many ways while on the other hand you have the angel element in which you have control over light and healing magic." I turn around and continue walking in front of him. "So I should most likely pay my last rent that was do to the landlady and tell her that I am moving then." I think aloud in deep thought. "That is a wise decision." We made it to my apartment, I unlock the door letting my self and lupus inside. I call out Virgo from her key and have her take my furniture to the spirit world while I pack my clothing and all of the Essentials.
I go to the landlady and pay my rent and tell her I'm moving to find a fresh start. She gives me a hug and tells me "Then I wish you luck and you are always welcome to rent again." I smiled at her and responded with a quiet "thank you."and small a smile as I make my way back to my apartment. "Virgo must be done and it's about time to leave." I thought aloud.
"Yes it is time to leave my dear granddaughter, and you should probably try to stop that new habit you have gained of thinking aloud... It's not healthy and our clans new members may think your crazy if they don't already know you." He smirks at me. I'm fighting off a blush of embarrassment and yelp from not realising I all most walked into the door. "For your information I have always talked aloud and it's not healthy to keep pent up thoughts..." Hime I think lupus is right, so if you need to I will accept punishment. " Virgo thank you for your help and no punishment, thank you bye. I say as I send her back and I hear my grandfather chuckling behind me. "She never changes does she?" His eyes apear amused while his face looks serious. I grab my bags, he raises his hand in front of us as the moon Set's and a blue portal appears before us." Well it's time for us to head home." An with that we both walk threw it. To home instead were the wolves roam and new bonds are about to begin.
So I know this chapter is kind of short, I'm going to try to only focus on this one for now while the thoughts I have our still fresh and if you guys have any ideas about who some of the descendants should be please let me know though I have about 6 of them figured out but I'm not telling you because that would ruin the surprise, no?

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