I do like you

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Callie's POV

I went to my next class. Which was Math. "Yeah! My favorite class!" I said sarcastically. I walked into the class and sat down.

About three minutes later the bell rang. The teacher walked in and called our names. "CALLIE GREY!" He shouted.

I put my head up from the paper I was doodling on. "Uh, oh, Here!" I said. He glares at me. "Well this is going to be a long year." I mumbled.

"AARON." He yelled. We all looked around. "AARON!" He yelled again. To door to the class opened.

It was Aaron and the principal. "Ah, Aaron. What happened here?" Mr.Carter said. We all laughed but me. Aaron looked at me and waved. I waved back and looked back at the teacher.

I saw Aaron's smile turn to a frown. I heard him mumble something along the lines of "I knew she didn't like me"

Although I do like him. I just think he doesn't know. "Well how did this happen?" Mr.Carter asked Aaron again.

The principal laughed. "He was caught making out with a girl." Principal Phoenix said.

"Ah,boys." Mr. Carter said. "Well go take a seat" The principal said motioning to the seat next to me.

"Hey!" I said. "Hey." He said.

In the middle of class I wisp reed to Aaron. "I do like you."

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